Chapter 10 - Going For A Swim

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The boys barbequed and everyone drank and had a goodtime. I was actually having a good time. I was extra glad to be back on good terms with Blake. I ate well tonight. Hotdogs, burgers, different kinds of chicken, corn, salad, rice, fruit and more. Who knew Deandre could cook. Sorta. Everyone also went swimming. The party ended at 12:00. Everyone else was basically wasted so Deandre, Blake, Maya, Jennifer and I called cabs for them. At about 12:45 everyone was home and Deandre dropped Maya and Jen back at their hotel. Blake and I stayed back to help clean up. We put away left over food and threw away garbage. It took about 15 to 30 minutes.

 “Looks like we’re all done.” I tell him.

 “Lets go for a swim.” He suggests.

“Are you insane?” I ask

“C’mon, it’ll be fun.” He begins to remove his shirt and snapback.

“You have completely lost your mind. I’m not going in there”

“Why not?”

“Its cold and late and I have to get home and-”

“Blah Blah Blah” he cuts me of and jumps into the pool, causing a splash. The water wets my shoes. He comes from under water and wipes the water off of his face. I stand by the pool and watch him.

“Join me.” He says reaching out his hand to me. I cave. I throw my hat on a nearby chair and strip into my colorful bathing suit, I see Blake’s eyes light up, then I jump in. At first the water is cold, but my body adjusts to the temperature.

“Hey!” I somewhat yell when Blake splashes me. He continues and I dunk his head under water. He willingly goes under and pulls my legs down with him. We struggle with each for a bit before coming up for air and laughing. Blake’s laugh slowly decreasing as he begins to gaze into my eyes, I can’t help but gaze right back.

“What?” I say trying to clear the awkward moment. But Blake doesn’t say anything. He begins moving closer and I don’t back away. He places his rather large hands on my lower back and pulls me in closer. I inhale and exhale deeply. Without thinking, my legs float up and wrap them around Blake’s waist.

One of Blake’s hands move up my arm and pushes the hair out of my face and places it behind my ear. The other still remains in its original position. Our faces are only inches away now. My phone is inside the house and so is his, now there were no distractions. He begins to breath heavily as his hand slowly makes its way up my back and around my neck.

I let out a small gasp as I feel him begin to unloosen my bikini top. He moves even closer. Now, the only thing holding up my top was Blake’s firm chest against mine. With one hand still on my back and the other now on my cheek, Blake begins to pull me in. I don’t stop him, because I feel like I’m frozen and can’t move and mainly because I didn’t want to stop him. I don’t hear the footsteps but as soon as Blake’s soft lips begin to slightly graze across mine, I hear a voice.

“Ok you two, break it up.”

My stomach drops as I look over Blake’s head to see Deandre standing there with two towels in his hand. I can feel my face turn red as I begin blushing like a weirdo. I move way from Blake and hold up my top as I get out of the water. I pick up my shorts and shirt before Deandre hands me the towel, which I quickly wrap around myself.

“Deandre, listen--” I try to explain, even though I really couldn’t, before getting cut off.

“Don’t worry about it. We can forget this even happened.” He tells me.

“Thank you.” I take a glance back at Blake before going into the house to get my clothing back on.


When Melanie makes her way inside, I get out of the pool and grab the towel Deandre set on the chair. I put my shirt on before hearing Deandre speak behind me.

“What was that man?”

“What was what?”

 “She has a boyfriend. Andrew? You remember him don’t you? Aren't you guys friends? ”

“I am well aware of that Deandre, thank you. And I only tolerate him because of Melanie.”

“Man, get your shit together. What would have happened if I didn’t walk in?"

“What ever happens, happens.”

“Don’t mess up your friendship to have some stupid one night stand. Just back off and keep it in your pants.”

“Whatever man. See you tomorrow.” I pick up my hat and leave.


I reach home at about 1:36 am and Kylie is asleep. I assume Matt is in there with here because I see his shirt on the floor in front of her bedroom room door. I take off my outside clothes and wet bathing suit and settle in some black shorts and a gray-ish striped sweater.  As I lay in bed I see I got a text and I look at it and it’s from Blake.


Sorry about tonight.


No worries. Just forget about it.




Sleep tight.


Don’t let the bedbugs bite.



Before I turn off my light, I see that I have a voice mail, left at 1:17am. I decide to listen to it before I go to bed.

“Babe. I hope you had fun. See you Monday. I love you…By the way it’s Andrew.”

I giggle at that last part. I shut off my phone and turn out the light and think "what have I gotten my self into? Shit!"  


Hello lovelys! Hope you liked it. So, what are you? Team Make or Team Mandrew? 

Make = Melanie and Blake                       Mandrew = Melanie and Andrew

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