Chapter 30 - Forgive And (Don't) Forget

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“Do you mind if I sit? Andrew says pointing to the swing next to me.

“Yes, I do actually but this is a public park so knock yourself out.”

He sits down. “So what are you doing here, at night, by yourself?”

“Listen, if you’re going to sit there, can you at least be quiet? Thanks” I was a bit snippy when talking to him.

“I know you’re probably still pissed about everything that happened with us…”

I cut him off. “No. That is the last thing I want to talk about right now.”

“So we’re just never going to talk about things?”

“What things? There is nothing to talk about. I’m over it and have moved on.”

“You mean with Blake?”

I scoff. “And there it is. I was waiting for you to bring him up.”

“How long did you wait after we broke up before running to him?”

“I don’t know Andrew. How long is the drive from your house to his?” I knew what I said hurt him. He just stop talking and stared at the ground. No matter how much he hurt me, seeing him look like a lost puppy right now was killing me. “I’m sorry. I don’t want to make it seem like I didn’t care or didn’t love you…because I did.”

He looks up at me. “You did? As in past tense?”

I get up from the swing and squeeze my eyes to attempt to stop the tears I felt forming. But that didn’t help. I turn back to him. “What do you want me to say? You know there will always be a piece of me that loves you.”


“But I can’t go there again.”

“Because of Blake?”

“Because of you! I can’t look at you the same way…I could never get the image out of my head…I just don’t think I could ever fully trust you again.” Now the tears were streaming down and I could see Andrew’s eyes begin to water also. He gets up and walks over to me. He takes me hands in his.

“I am so sorry for everything.”

“I know you are.” Then I did something I never thought was gonna happen again. I take my hands and wrap them around Andrew and hug him. Just holding him and being in that moment, I knew that we had something wonderful. I could never forget the love we shared but that was over. At least I think so…

When we pull away, I wipe my tears away. I guess Andrew notices my goose bumps and how often I try to keep myself warm because he offers me he jacket. At first I deny it then I accept. He asks me if I want a ride home but I tell him I didn’t want to go home yet. Instead we go over to his house.

I walk in first and Andrew shuts the down behind us.

“Woah, I haven’t been here in a couple months.”


We sit on the sofa and at first everything is awkward. But then we start talking and it felt just like old times. We laughed and just talked about everything. It was actually nice spending time with him again.

“I’ve missed you.” He tells me.

“I’ve missed you too.” I say in response. I feel hair fall in my face but not for long because Andrew pushes the hair out of my face. And in this moment, I lose myself. I forget everything that happened. Everything that was wrong in our relationship. And before I know it, he kisses me. I instantly kiss him back. I knew that this was probably a really bad idea but I just wanted to be close to him once last time.

We stand up and we interwines our fingers. He takes me upstairs and to the end of the hall. His bedroom. We walk in. And when I enter, I feel like I can’t breath. He begins to kiss my neck but I push him off.

“What’s wrong?” He questions. I just push past him and walk down the stairs. “What happened?” He yelled chasing after me.

“Coming here was a mistake. I can’t do this.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Being in that room. Your room. Seeing the bed. I just feel like I’m back in that moment. I can see you two going at it again. And I just can't take it. And now that I think about it. Like really think about it. I can’t be here. Just being in this house makes me want to scream.”

“I don’t know what to do anymore. I’ve reached out to you a million times. I keep saying how sorry I am. I’m lost, Melanie. I just want…”

“Tell me.” We were standing directly infront of each other now. He was taller so he hovered over me.

“I just need you to forgive me.” I see tears fall from his eyes. I put my hands on his face and use my thumb to wipe away the tears.

“Andrew. I do… I forgive you.” I speak in a hushed tone. “I forgave you a long time ago…It’s forgetting that’s I’m NEVER going to be able to do.” Once again the tears fall from my eyes as well as his. I pull his face down to mine a place a gently kiss to his cheek. I take off his jacket and put it on the sofa.

As I’m about to leave, I grab the knob of the front door and turn back to him.

“Goodbye Andrew.”

“Goodbye Melanie.” I open the door, walk out and shut it behind me. We are finally over. I mean, we have been, for a few months now, but after tonight, I feel like I actually have closure. 

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