Chapter 20 - This Is Goodbye

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For work the next morning, I wear black leggings and a white shirt. Today my hair is curly. Kylie wears a burgundy dress and we drive together. It was a slow day so I had time to talk with her.

“I’m going to see Blake today.” I saw quickly and while we are unpacking clothes, so she doesn’t clearly hear me. But it doesn’t work.

“What?” Kylie asks, stopping me from getting work done. “Why?”

“Because I need to talk to him.”



“Just don’t trip and fall on his lips, ok?”

“Ok.” Our conversation ended as we got back to work.


When I go to see Blake, I wear a pink lace shirt over a white shirt. Below my waist was a pair of multi-colored floral leggings. On my feet were short black boots matched with a black purse. I show up at his place at 7. When he answers the door, he looks surprised but happy to see me.

“Hey.” Blake says.

“Hi.” I respond back.

“Come in.” He says opening the door wider and motioning his hand for me to enter. I walk in awkwardly, feeling uncomfortable being alone with him and not wanting to do what I was about to.

“Look,” he begins, his voice soft and gentle, “if you’re here to talk about the kiss, then-”

“Actually…” I cut him off before he could continue. “That’s exactly what I wanted to talk about.” I turn away, not being able to face him.


“Um, actually…Can I just talk and you listen?” I saw manning up a bit and facing him.

“Ok. Sure.” Blake looked so innocent and harmless, I couldn’t believe what I was about to say.

“The kiss…it was a huge mistake. And I regret every second it happened. I don’t want to give you the wrong impression and I’m sorry if I have been. But I am completely in love with Andrew. And the kiss…nothing like that or even close to it, can every happen again.” I take a pause.

“I promise, nothing like that will ever happen again.”

“I know. And to make sure of that…” I take a deep breath before speaking fire. “I don’t think we should speak to each other anymore.

“What? What are you talking about?” The shock on Blake’s face was lifeless. I hated it but it had to be done.

“It was only a matter of time before that happened. I can’t risk something like that happening ever again. I hate keeping anything from Andrew. Especially something like this. And the only way I can be a hundred percent sure we never….kiss again. I think it’ll just be better  if we kept our distance.”

“Better? Better for who? Certainly not for me. And I don’t think it’ll be better for you either.”

“Don’t do that.”

“Do what?”

“Tell me what’s good for me. Or what I want. Or how I’m suppose to feel.”

“That is not what I’m trying to do.”

I sigh. “Look… I didn’t come here to argue with you. I’m sorry but if being friends with you or being around you hurts my relationship, in any way, I choose Andrew.”

“So this is it, huh?

“Yeah. I guess so.”

“I can’t believe this.”

“Blake, I’m serious. No calls or texts. Don’t come and see me or make it so we run into each other. Don’t contact my friends. Don’t ask anyone how I am. Don’t worry about me. Just forgot about me.” Tears began foaming in my eyes as I spoke my final words to Blake. By the looks of things, Blake got a little teary eyed too.

I walk up to Blake and gentle place my hand on his face. I rub my thumb over his cheek and say “Goodbye Blake.” And that’s when the water works fall from my eyes. My vision begins to get blurry. When I turn to leave, Blake pulls on my lower arm, making me turn and face him. He is bent down so our faces are rather close.

He whispers. “Please. I don’t want to lose you.”

“Lose my number. Please.” That’s when it happens. A single tear falls from Blake’s eye as I speak. I pull my arm away and walk out the front door, shutting it behind me. When I get outside I stand on the front step. Crying. I lean up against his front door and my back slides down until I feel myself touch the ground. I sit there, letting the tears pour from my eyes as I realize I just gave up one of the best friends I’ve ever had. But I had no other choice. As I pull my head out of my hands that were rested on my knees, I notice something. The sun was setting. I stand up as the flash of red, orange and yellow left the sky. It was the end of something beautiful and the start of another… 


So my first dedication goes to Toreesymone71132 ! This reader was the first to vote and comment on my my story. Knowing that someone enjoyed my story, even if it was just one person, made me so happy and excited. Thanks and I hope everyone is enjoying my story. 

Another person with get a dedication next week. Sorry for the last update, school is back and kinda threw me off a bit. Enjoy Lovelys!

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