Team 7

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-Kami POV-

I awoke from my slumber and jumped out of my bed. I ran through the halls and into Sasuke's room. He was sleeping peacefully until I jumped on him. "Sasuke! Wake up. We get put into teams today!" He grunted as I land on his stomach. He sits up and glares at me.

"Do you have to be so loud in the morning, Kami?" He asks.

I put my hand over my heart and act hurt. "You glared at me." He smiles and pets my head. I get off his bed and head back to my room to get dressed. I join Sasuke outside when I am done and we walk to the academy. We're the first ones there when we enter the classroom. Sasuke picks a seat and I sit next to him. I take out a coloring book and start coloring. By the time I finish and look up, the classroom is filled. Sakura and Ino, girls I hate, come barging into the classroom, shouting who gets to sit next to my brother. I shake my head and continue coloring until the teacher comes in.

He announces all the teams, "Team 7: Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha, and Kami Uchiha." I jumped up from my seat and hugged Sasuke. Everyone looked at us, but I didn't care. I was just happy that I was with my brother.

"Sir, why does Kami have to be on our team?" Sakura asked. I glared at her, but she didn't seem to notice.

"Because she got the second best scores, right behind Sasuke, and since they're siblings we put them on the same team." Iruka answered. She shut up after that. After all the students left with their sensei, I begin to feel tired. I laid down and rested my head on Sasuke's lap, falling asleep instantly.

-Sasuke POV-

I felt Kami lay her head down on my lap and fall asleep. Her steady breathing made me want to fall asleep too, but Naruto got up and put an eraser between the door and wall. "Do you really think our teacher is going to fall for a stupid prank like that?" I asked. Kami started to stir and I immediately shut up and stayed as still as I possibly could. A few seconds later, our teacher came in and the eraser hit his head.

"My first impression of you is... you're all idiots." He stated. Luckily, Kami wasn't awake or she'd blow a fuse. "Meet me on the roof." Then he disappeared. I shook Kami awake and she looked at me groggily. She picked up her hands, indicated that she wanted to be carried, so I put her on my back and we made our way to the roof where our sensei was.

-Kakashi POV-

I walked into the classroom and felt an eraser fall on my head. I sigh mentally and stated, "My first impression of you're all idiots." I look around noticed that there was only 3 students. I thought I was supposed to have 4... "Meet me on the roof." I told them and teleported to the roof. Not long after, I saw all my students come to the roof, one of them being carried on Sasuke's back. I believe her name was Kami. He woke her up and she took a seat next to him staring at me. "Right, so introduce yourselves. State your likes, dislikes, your hobbies, and dreams for the future." I tell them.

"How about you go first so we know how it's done." Naruto states.

"I am Kakashi Hatake, my likes and dislikes? Well I have a lot of them. My hobbies and dream for the future? I don't feel like telling you that." I answer. "Now you go."

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki, believe it! I like instant ramen and ramen from Ichiraku's. I dislike waiting 3 minutes for ramen to cook. My hobbies are comparing ramen to others and my dream for the future is to become Hokage so everyone to respect me."

"I'm Sakura Haruno. I like...well who I like..." She blushes. "My dreams for the future is to..." She looks over to Sasuke with lovey-dovey eyes then glares at Naruto. "And I hate Naruto."

"I'm Sasuke Uchiha," He points to Kami, "And this is Kami Uchiha, my sister. We have a few likes and a lot of dislikes. We don't have any hobbies or a dream, but an ambition. We're going to restore our clan and kill a certain someone..." He states coolly.

I look over at Kami, who doesn't say anything, but has a dark expression on. She has one overly protective brother... "Well, that's it for today. Meet me at the training grounds at 6 and don't eat breakfast or you'll puke." With that said, I disappeared.

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