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-Kami POV-

I woke up then made my way to the kitchen where Orochimaru-sama and Kabuto-san were already there. I sat at the table and Kabuto-san served me breakfast. "Kami, your brother will be here shortly." I almost choked on me food at the news. Sasuke was going to be here in a little bit and my room was a mess!! I dropped my fork and rushed to my room. I picked up all my clothes and ninja tools and put them in their rightful places. When I was satisfied with the look and I returned to the table.

"What was all that about?" Orochimaru-sama asked.

"Sasuke hates when I don't clean my room. So before he gets here I cleaned it up." I answered. I gulped down the rest of my eggs then waited at the entrance with Orochimaru-sama and Kabuto-san. 5 minutes later, Sasuke came; alone. The sound ninja 4 must have been defeated. As he came closer Sasuke's jaw almost dropped.

"It's about time you get here! I've been waiting." I said then ran up and hugged him.

"The village is in turmoil looking for you! And I've been extremely worried!!" Sasuke yelled, but hugged me back nonetheless. It felt good to have Sasuke near me, but at the same time I didn't want him here. I recently found out I liked Orochimaru-sama and with Sasuke here; I wouldn't be able to spend much time with Orochimaru.

"Sasuke!" I yelled. He winced at my loudness then pulled away from me. I started jumping up and down like a child. "Orochimaru-sama gave me this awesome room! The bed and bedding are so soft and comfortable." I smiled brightly at Orochimaru-sama. I mouthed the words 'Thank you' and he just nodded his head. Sasuke patted my head and smiled at how childish I was being.

"Sasuke, Kabuto will be showing you to your room." Orochimaru-sama said. Sasuke nodded and followed Kabuto-san down the hall. I looked back at Orochimaru-sama. We were the same room. My heart started beating faster and faster and my cheeks started to turn red. I looked into his yellow snake-like eyes and just stared into them. They were beautiful. I felt myself being hypnotized in them. I wondered if he liked me back or not, so I excused myself to my bedroom and did what a normal 13-year-old would do. I got out a piece of paper and wrote a love letter.

-Orochimaru POV-

Sasuke and Kabuto left Kami and I in the same room; alone. She looked at me and I looked her. She was staring into my eyes and I tried to figure out what she was thinking, but I couldn't. She excused herself to her bedroom and I felt lonely as she left. Sasuke was here now and it could mean trouble if he found out I liked his baby sister. I already know he doesn't like me and me liking his baby sister isn't going to help any. Not to mention, if Itachi catches wind of this he'd come and kill me; literally. I walked back to my office and started doing boring paperwork. It was nothing interesting; just some recent failed experiments. I started balancing more chemistry equations when a note slid under my bed. I walked over and picked up the small blue envelop.

Dear Orochimaru-sama,

' don't know what to say. I was originally going to put 'I like you. Do you like me?' with a yes or no check boxes, but that seemed more like a boy thing than a girl thing so I decided to write a love letter, but, as you can obviously tell, it's not going so well. I'm just going to go out and say it I like you! I have ever since I met you. It took me a while to figure out my feelings, but I do like you. I like you a lot and I hope you can return my feelings. Love, Kami'

I chuckled a bit then put the letter back into its envelop and stuffed it in my desk draw. I liked her too. At first I thought I only liked her because I wanted her body, but no that wasn't the case. I liked her. I got up from my seat and left my room. I walked to her bedroom door then knocked. I heard a faint 'enter' then walked in. She was just casually laying on her bed, reading a book. I walked up to her and sat on her bed. She finally looked up at me then cowardly hid behind her book. It was cute that she was embarrassed. I brought the book down from her face, leaned my face in, then kissed her. Her lips tasted like strawberries and I wanted more. It took her a second, but she melted into the kiss and started kissing back. When we broke apart for air, she was somehow on my lap with her arms wrapped around my neck.

"I like you too." I breathed out.

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