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-Kami POV-

When I woke up I was no longer in the experiment room; I was in a bedroom. Since I was no longer in my original bedroom than I'm either in a different room or I'm in a different hideout. I slipped off the bed and peeked out the door. Luckily Orochimaru-sama's hideouts are basically all the same. I walked into the living room and saw Kabuto-san making lunch. "Good morning, Kabuto-san."

"Kami, it's the afternoon." He stated.

"Oh... Where's Orochimaru-sama?" I asked. I haven't seen him since Sasuke and I left the hideout to kill Itachi.

"He's in his office. We're in a new hideout on the border of the Hidden Leaf, so try not to get caught by Hidden Leaf ninjas if you go outside." He warned. I instinctively protected my stomach with my hands. I wasn't ashamed of having Orochimaru-sama's baby, but I was afraid of what other people would do to him/her if they found out it was his. "Are you okay?" Kabuto-san asked.

I nodded my head. "Yea, fine. I'm just worried for my child, ya know?" I walked over to the table and sat down. "I don't want anything to happen to him or her. I love this baby and if the Leaf were to do anything about him because he's Orochimaru-sama's than I could never live with myself."

"Nothing will happen to our child, dear. I'll protect it from anyone who would harm it." Orochimaru-sama said; coming into the kitchen. I get up and snake my arms around him.

"I love you, Orochimaru-sama." I say truthfully. He leans down and we share a passionate kiss. I turn to Kabuto-san. "How much longer til this baby comes?" I ask.

"From what I gathered, you're 3 months in. Another 6 months and he or she will be out." He answers.

I place my hand on my slight baby bump. "I can't wait til we find out the gender."

-Sasuke POV-

I get up from my bed and start heading out of the Akatsuki hideout. "Where are you going, Sasuke-kun?" Karin asks me. I ignore her and continue walking. My baby sister got pregnant and I want to know by who. I subconsciously clench my fist. That bastard is going to pay. After a few hours, I arrive at Orochimaru's hideout. I walk into the hideout and head to the kitchen. Upon entering I see my sister, Kabuto, and Orochimaru eating. I conceal my chakra and listen to their conversation.

"Are you going to Sasuke?" Orochimaru asked.

"As I told Kabuto-san, if Sasuke wants me as part of his revenge plan then I'll aid him, but if not, I'm going to stay here and raise this baby. He or she will aid us in the revival of the Uchiha clan when they grow up and find the ones they love." Kami answers.

"How are you going to do that, if you're a rogue ninja?" I hear Kabuto ask.

"Well when they're older than we can just ship them off to Konoha." She answers.

I see Orochimaru slam his hand on the table. "Absolutely not! I want this baby as much as you do, my sweet girl." I clench my fist. So he's the one that impregnated my sister.

"Then what are we going to do?" She asks. That's when I decided to make my appearance.

"I say you return to the leaf and I kill this bastard!" I yell; pointing my blade to Orochimaru. Kami suddenly stands in front of him, protectively.

"Sorry Sasuke, but I can't let you do that."

"Why!? He got you pregnant. For all I know, he could have raped you!" I yell.

"Damn it, Sasuke! We've been together since I was 14." I was beyond shocked. I never expected this. As much as I love my sister, she's having this bastards child. If it wasn't half Uchiha then I would have killed it already.

"I need to think about this. I'll see you in a few days." Then I left back to the Akatsuki base without giving Kami time to respond, but I knew she was crying since I heard her sobs. I clenched my shirt where my heart was. It hurt to know I was the cause of my sister's tears, but I really need some time for myself. 

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