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-Kami POV-

Kakashi-sensei was the first to recover from the shock. "I've come to bring you back to the Leaf." He answered bluntly.

"I refuse. I cannot return." I clung to Orochimaru-sama. "I've done horrible things. I killed the Third Hokage. I don't deserve to go back. I have no intention to bring harm to the village and I'll protect it from the shadows. All I ask is you allow Naomi in the village. She has done no harm to the village." I bargained. No one said anything so I continued on. "If you ever see me as a threat later on in the future then you can have my head." I felt Orochimaru-sama's grip tighten around me, but I paid no mind to it. I was being completely serious.

"Fine. Thanks for breakfast. I'll be taking my leave. It was nice seeing you again, Kami." Kakashi-sensei said.

"It was nice seeing you as well, Kakashi-sensei." He disappeared down the hall. I turned to look at Naomi and saw Naruto and Sasuke fighting over her.

"Let me hold her!" Naruto yelled.

"No! You'll just drop her, dobe." Sasuke countered.

I just sighed and shook my head. "Barely born and she's already having guys fight over her."

Orochimaru-sama chuckled lightly. "Well she is your daughter." I smiled and kissed his lips. I heard gagging, so I turned over to face Sakura.

"Oh, you're still here." I stated. She didn't say anything, but started walking out of the hideout. I smiled inwardly and walked over to Naomi, Sasuke, and Naruto. "It's nice seeing you again Naruto." I smiled.

-Orochimaru POV-

I watched Kami talking to Sasuke and Naruto and smiled to myself. Kabuto came over to me. "So when are you going to ask her?" He whispered.

"When the time is right." I whispered back.

"You two already have Naomi. I think it's long overdue." He said. I knew he was right, but I was just too nervous to ask her. "Hey, Kami! Come over her for a second. Lord Orochimaru wishes to ask you something!" I wiped my head to Kabuto and saw him have an evil grin on his face.

"What's up, Orochimaru-sama?" I heard Kami ask. I took in a shaky breath. It was now or never. I brought myself to one knee and pulled out a ring.

"Will you marry me?" I asked, nervously. I saw the surprise on her face. She slowly nodded her head. I smiled and slipped the ring on her finger. She hugged my tightly around the neck. I hugged her back. She let go and went back over to Naruto.

"You better take care of my sister or I'll kill you." I heard Sasuke whisper to me.

"Of course, Sasuke my boy. I'll never let anything happen to my lover." I hissed out. He glared at me then walked away.

~Time skip to the wedding.~ -Kami POV-

I gripped Sasuke's arm tightly. I absolutely love Orochimaru-sama and marrying him makes me unbelievably happy, but I can't help to feel scared and nervous. "Are you okay?" Sasuke asked, worry laced in his voice.

I put on a brave, smiling face, and nodded my head. He smiled back at me and he started walking me down the isle when the music started. As I walked, I saw Orochimaru-sama's face. I saw pure shock, happiness, and love. It was right there and then that all my nervousness and scared feeling went away. Without a doubt, he was the man I wanted to marry. We've been through a lot of things together and granted he's not the most appropriate man in the world; he's the one I fell in love with and he's the man I see as perfect. We've done horrid things in our lifetime, but maybe this time we can start over with Naomi. As I neared him, I smiled. Sasuke let go of my arm and kissed my cheek as I stood, proudly, in front of Orochimaru-sama. We took each other's arms and the priest married us.

"You may kiss the bride." Orochimaru-sama gently wrapped his arms around my waist and planted a small, but passionate kiss on my lips. I smiled within the kiss.

"I love you, Orochimaru-sama!"

"I love you too, Kami-hime." I blushed at the honorific. He smiled at my tomato face and kissed my cheek.

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