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-Kami POV-

I enter the classroom with the rest of my team. I look around the room, ignoring my surrounds, to find the Sand siblings staring at me. I turn towards Sasuke to see him talking to another contestant with white/grey hair and glasses. I crouch down to see what they're talking about and the mysterious boy starts staring at me. He smiles then continues his explanations about his ninja info cards. Afterwards, our proctor, Ibiki, came in and we sat down. I ended up sitting next to the mysterious boy.

"I'm Kabuto. What's your name?" He asked.

"Kami Uchiha." Was all I was able to say before Ibiki hushed us and gave out the test. "Sharingan." I whispered to myself and my curse mark started to act up. I quickly deactivate it, wincing in pain slightly. Kabuto looks at me and smiles. He moves his finished paper into my sight of view and lets me copy. I flash him a smile back, writing down the answers on my paper. After copying, I put my head down clenching my, slightly burning, curse mark. If it were to hurt every time I used my sharingan then I would have a problem. Sasuke would start to question why I don't use my sharingan. I then started to think about that snake guy, who I found out was Orochimaru, and why he gave me it. Although I didn't show it, I was scared. I had this weird curse mark on the side of my stomach and I had no idea what Orochimaru wanted me for. I haven't told anyone about it and I was afraid to, too.

The window breaking brought me out of my thoughts. A girl landed announcing herself as Anko Mitarashi came barging in then told us she was our second proctor. She led us to the forest of death and gave us each a consent form stating that she wasn't responsible if we die in the forest of death. I felt my curse mark burn and I looked around frantically. I saw Anko throw a kunai past Naruto and a woman used her tongue to hand it back to Anko. Just looking at the creepy woman I felt a connection. The same connection I felt when I first encountered Orochimaru. I started, subconsciously, walking towards her, but Sasuke held me back. "Come on, it's time to go in." He said. I nodded my head and followed him towards the gate.

-Orochimaru POV-

I saw Anko, my former student, throw a kunai at a boy. I used my tongue to retrieve the kunai and handed it back to her. I felt someone staring at me and I discreetly looked around. I saw Kami looking at me. My chest started to hurt when I looked at her. She started walking towards me and I was hoping she would, but then I didn't because she'd blow my cover. I was about to turn tail and run when one of her teammates pulled her back. I sighed in relief and began walking towards my 'team.' 

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