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~ 2 1/2 years later~ -Kami POV-

I slipped off Orochimaru-sama's bed and got dressed in my normal attire. I slipped on my favorite shorts, but they didn't want to fit, so I chose one of my bigger sized shorts. As I put on my shirt, I noticed my stomach was starting to stick out a bit. I placed my hand on it and rubbed the little bump. When I realized what this meant, I screamed so loud, I'm sure Konoha heard me; and Konoha was at least 100 miles away.

~ Meanwhile in Konoha~ -3rd person POV-

Konoha was live and well, that is, until they heard a loud scream. Everyone frantically looked around to see if they could find the damsel in distress, but no one ever figured out where that scream came from so they all continued on with their daily lives.

~Back to Kami~ -Kami POV-

Sasuke, Orochimaru-sama, and Kabuto-san all came running into the room; in that exact order. "What happened?!" They all yelled in unison. I lifted my shirt to show them the small bump, "I'm pregnant!" Orochimaru-sama and Sasuke fainted while Kabuto-san just pushed up his glasses.

He sighed, "Now I knew you and Lord Orochimaru were close, just didn't know that close." He sighed once again. "Come with me." I nodded my head and followed him to the experiment room. We moved bases a lot and this one had an experiment room connected to the base. Since Kabuto and Orochimaru-sama never really needed a medical room; they have experiment rooms. I laid on one of the steel, cold, tables and Kabuto connected all these wires to me. "How long has this been going on?" He asked.

"Since I was 14." I sheepishly laughed.

"I'm amazed you managed to keep it from Sasuke and I for so long." I just chuckled a bit. "Well, you're definitely pregnant. Now that we know that, you cannot train until after the baby arrives."

I sigh, "Yes, Kabuto-san. Thank you." Kabuto helps me off the table. Just then Naruto slams the door open, scaring the shit out of me.

"Kabuto! Give us back Kami and Sasuke!" Naruto yells.

So let me explain, when I left with Orochimaru-sama and Kabuto-san during the chunnin exams the village presumed I was a missing nin. One day, I needed to go out and buy some clothes Naruto spotted me so the village branded me a rogue ninja. So ever since that day, he's been on my ass to bring me back to the village. Of course, him being an idiot, he thinks once we return it'll be all rainbows and unicorns; when in reality Sasuke and I could be executed. Now back to the story:

"Hang on Kabuto-san!" I yelled. "Hidden mist jutsu!" Mist surrounded us and Kabuto and I escaped through a secret door in the experiment room. During our escape, we ran into Orochimaru-sama. "Orochimaru-sama, we need to get out now!" I made some hand signs. "Summoning jutsu!" Manda showed up.

"What may I do for you, Mistress Kami." She asked.

"Get Orochimaru-sama out of here." I hugged the snake. "Thank you." After that, I ran off in the direction of Sasuke. When I arrived, he was fighting Naruto. "My, my, Sasuke, you started the fun without me. How could you?" I fake anime cried. "Well you're a new face. Who are you?"

"I'm standing in for Kakashi. I'm Captain Yamato." He stated.

"Well, prepare to die." I got into a fighting stance. "Byakugan!" Before I could land a single blow, something grabbed a hold of me. It lifted me into the air and onto a snake.

"Meet us when you're done Sasuke!" Orochimaru-sama yelled. Then we were off. I laid on the snake.

"I could of taken them." I pouted.

"Sorry, but I'm not letting anything happen to my child." Orochimaru-sama stated.

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