Sorry, Lord Third.

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-Sasuke POV-

I've been busy with Kakashi, training for the final rounds, and during that time, I haven't seen Kami around. I'm starting to get worried, but, then again, I hardly been home this past month either so she could be fine. I guess, since she's my little sister, I can't help, but to get worried. "Alright, Sasuke, that's all I can teach you for right now. We need to get to the final rounds or you'll be disqualified." He grabbed a hold of me then did a jutsu. The next thing I knew, we were standing in the middle of the arena. I did a quick look around the arena and spotted Kami with Naruto in the stands. Right then and there my worrying about her vanished. I wasn't really paying to attention to my surrounds, but Gaara, my opponent, was standing right in front of me. I got into my battle stance and started fighting him.

-Kami POV-

I woke up, jumped in the shower, brushed my teeth, then got dressed. I headed downstairs and started making breakfast for everyone. Orochimaru-sama came in and sat down at the table. I put a plate of bacon and eggs in front of him then sat down to eat myself. It had been a month since I've been here and during that time Orochimaru-sama has been training me. "We'll be heading to the leaf today so after breakfast be prepared to leave."

"Okay!" I said in a childish voice. I scarfed down the rest of my breakfast then ran to my room to get ready. I gather my ninja tools and gear. I went back into the kitchen and saw Orochimaru-sama already in his Sand Kazekage disguise. I washed the dished and we left. "Orochimaru-sama, is Kabuto not coming?" I asked.

"He's already in the leaf. He's disguised as an ANBU." He answered.

I nodded my head and we arrived at the leaf, separately. I rushed to the arena, before Orochimaru-sama, just in time to see Naruto's fight. I cheered for my friends when they all fought their opponents. "Kami, why did you forfeit in the preliminary round?" Naruto asked.

"If you don't recall, I never wanted to do the exams. I only participated so Sasuke could become a chunin. In the preliminary rounds, you no longer needed me to continue so I quit." I answered.

"Oh-" He was going to say more, but Sasuke showed up. "SASUKE!" Him and Sakura yelled. I rolled my eyes and looked at Sasuke. Our eyes met and I saw his face show relief. He must have been worried about me this past month. I smiled slightly then glanced at the 'Kazekage' and Hokage then back at Sasuke and Gaara's fight. Sasuke managed to land a hit and Gaara started screaming. His ball of sand crumbled. The ear piece I had in my ear revealed Kabuto-san's voice, "Kami, use your sharingan and seek me out."

I closed my eyes then opened them again, revealing my sharingan. I looked around and spotted Kabuto-san. I swiftly left and made my way towards him. "Yes, Kabuto-san?" I asked.

He whispered in my ear a jutsu and I preformed it, perfectly. Feathers started falling from the sky, putting almost everyone under a sleeping genjutsu. Temari, Kankuro, and Baki appeared onto the battle field and whisked Gaara away, Sasuke following them in pursuit. "Go meet up with Lord Orochimaru. He might need you." Kabuto-san said. I nodded my head then appeared beside Orochimaru-sama. The ninja sound 4 put a purple barrier around us and I stood in one of the corners watching Orochimaru-sama battle Lord Hokage. Orochimaru-sama did some signs and 3 coffins popped out, but the 3rd one didn't emerge. The 2 coffins opened up, revealing the 1st and 2nd Hokage.

"Wow!! Lord first and second came to the party!" I yelled. The battle stopped and everyone stared at me. They all fell, dramatically, then got up and looked at me again, anime sweat dropping.

"Kami, what are you doing here?" Lord third Hokage asked.

"Watching the fight, duh." I said, nonchalantly. "If you keep talking to me Orochimaru-sama is going to beat you." As soon as I said that, Lord first and second started to attack Lord third. This fight was taking forever! Like seriously. I laid down in my corner and decided to take a nap. I yawned and woke up. Rubbing my eyes, I saw this ghost-like figure. I rubbed my eyes again, thinking my eyes were playing tricks on me again, but it wasn't. It was still there and it seemed to be sucking something out of Orochimaru-sama. My heart sunk at the sight. I pulled out a katana and ran at Lord third. He was distracted by Orochimaru-sama so I took that opportunity to stab him in the chest, where his heart was. He looked down at the sword then back at me. My red eyes pierced his and his limp body fell to the ground, signifying he was dead. The weird ghost guy disappeared, releasing Orochimaru-sama, and I pulled my katana out of Lord third and sheathed it.

The barrier released and the ninja sound 4 ran towards us. They grabbed a hold of us then rushed us back to the base.

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