Her Eyes

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-Kami POV-

After that kiss with Orochimaru-sama, I've been on cloud nine. As I was cooking, I started humming a random melody. "What's got you so happy?" I turned around to see Sasuke sitting at the table. I never considered what Sasuke would say about all this. I really don't want him to forbid my relationship, but I don't want to lie to him either. Come on, Kami, you need to pick: Orochimaru-sama or Sasuke?

"Nothing, Orochimaru-sama said he was gonna show me some of his experiments today and I'm excited." I lied. I guess Orochimaru-sama it is.

"Be careful. I don't trust that guy." Sasuke said.

I sigh mentally. "Don't worry! I'm strong." I smiled then placed a plate of food in front of Sasuke. He smiled and started eating. I grabbed myself a plate and started eating as well. When finished I made my way to Orochimaru-sama's office. I knocked 3 times then entered. He was just sitting at his desk, doing paperwork. I made my way over to him and sat on his lap. "Orochimaru-sama~" I whined. "I'm bored. Show me some of your experiments."

He smiled wickedly. "But I like the position we're in." He purred in my ear. I blushed mildly. He just chuckled at me then moved me off of him. "Come, the experiments are this way." I nodded my head and followed him out the door. We passed by Kabuto-san and Sasuke and I just waved. We left the hideout and walked 5 minutes until we reached another hideout. As I walked in I could hear screams of torture. I smiled inwardly and continued to follow Orochimaru-sama.

Although, I'd never admit it, my mind is plagued with darkness. Ever since Itachi killed our clan, I've been walking a very dark path. I may seem happy and giddy, but my mind is evil. We stopped in front of a door and Orochimaru-sama opened it. I trailed behind him and he handed me a stack of papers. It had some equations and the type of experiment he was doing. I put the papers down and looked around the room. There wasn't really anything interesting until the experiment opened his eyes. My eyes met his pearly white ones. "The Hyuga clan's byakugan." I whispered.

"That's right. Unfortunately, he failed the experiment." Orochimaru-sama stated.

"Can I have his eyes?" I asked. The byakugan is the second highest visual prowess. While the rinnegan is the highest. Maybe with the byakugan I can defeat Itachi!

-Orochimaru POV-

I saw Kami look around the room and then into my experiment's eyes. "The Hyuga clan's byakugan." I heard her whisper.

"That's right. Unfortunately, he failed the experiment." I stated.

"Can I have his eyes?" She asked. I was slightly shocked. Why would she want the byakugan when she had the sharingan?

"I don't know what'll happen if we mix the two together." I stated. "It could mess up your eyes."

"I don't care." She walked over to me and looked me into the eyes. "Please, Orochimaru-sama. I know you're curious as to what'll happen too."

She had me there. I really wanted to know. I sighed in defeat and she smiled. She laid herself on one of the operation tables. I walked over to my experiment and took out his eyes. He screamed in pain, but I ignored it. I then walked over to Kami. "This will hurt." I said. She nodded and I proceeded to take out her eyes. She screamed in pain, but I continued. It pained me to see her in pain, but I knew she'd feel better soon enough. After the eyes were in place, I wrapped her eyes up then gave her a shot to decrease the pain a bit. "You'll have to keep your eyes wrapped for 3 days." I said.

She sat up and smiled at me. "Thank you, Orochimaru-sama." She outstretched her arms and grabbed my shirt, pulling me closer to her. She puckered her lips and I moved my face closer to hers. Our lips met and I cupped her face while she wrapped her arms around me. We broke apart when we heard someone clear their throat. I looked up while Kami turned her head.

"You know when Sasuke finds out, he's not going to be happy." Kabuto said.

-Kabuto POV-

I looked around the hideout and noticed Lord Orochimaru hadn't come back yet. I rushed to the experiment base and noticed Lord Orochimaru and Kami kissing. I cleared my throat and saw them look at me. "You know when Sasuke finds out, he's not going to be happy." I stated.

"That's why you're going to keep it a secret, Kabuto-san." I looked at Kami and noticed she had bandages over her eyes.

"What happened?!" I asked frantically. I rushed over to her and started to heal her eyes. Sasuke wasn't going to like this one bit.

"I just switched my eyes out." She stated. I sighed and continued to heal her eyes. "I'll tell Sasuke when they heal. In the meantime, Orochimaru-sama will be training Sasuke."

"What about you?" Lord Orochimaru asked.

She smiled. This wasn't going to be good. "Once my eyes heal, Kabuto-san will train me in medical ninjutsu." She stated. I knew this wasn't going to be good.

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