His Curse

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-Sasuke POV-

I set the table and begin serving when I hear Kami scream her lungs out. I set the bowl down and rush to her bedroom. There she's kicking and screaming, tangled in the blankets. I go and hug her tight, "Kami, wake up. It's just a dream." She opens her eyes then hugs me tightly, sobbing. "Shh, it's okay. I'm here." I comfort her the best I can. This happens a lot, whether it be me or her, but we always manage to comfort each other. She's just like me, an avenger. Together we can defeat him, I just know it. I don't know how long I was comforting Kami, but it was already dawn when we broke apart. Her stomach growled, having us break apart. She looked away in embarrassment and we went to get some breakfast.

-Kami POV-

After breakfast, Sasuke left to go meet with our team while I stayed home. I washed the dishes then went outside to train. Even if I cut myself off from being part of Team 7, that doesn't mean I am not going to get stronger to defeat Itachi. I walked someways away from the compound and into a forest. I activated my sharingan and began hitting targets along the trees with kunai and shuriken then practiced my Taijutsu on a tree stump.

I lay on the ground after 3 hours of training, exhausted. I closed my eyes and began to drift asleep for a nap when I heard a twig snap. I shot up and looked around. I made no movement, no sound, I didn't even breath as I waited for the sound to come closer. Maybe around 10 minutes later, someone came. He looked like a snake person. Long black hair, pale, purple eyeliner, and a sadistic smile on his face. He resembled a snake in almost every aspect, especially his bright yellow snake eyes. They were captivating. Almost hypnotic. My heart fluttered as I looked into them.

He stepped forward and I subconsciously activated my sharingan. He seemed surprised and stepped back a little. I was in a weakened state from training, but, even so, I could possibly get away if I used basic tactics. "My, my, who are you?" He asked.

I didn't want to tell him. I wanted to run. Run far away and never look back. I wanted to be with Sasuke. To never leave his side. I was scared. Scared like a child. Like I was on that day. Part of me was enraged that I was frightened, but another part of me was disappointed. I made the mistake in looking in his yellow slit eyes and spilled, "My name's Kami Uchiha."

He, obviously, smirked. I backed away and he stepped forward. I forced myself to look away and turned around to run away. As I did, his neck, literally, stretched and came towards me in a snake-like manner. In the corner of my I saw his head coming for my neck. I maneuvered my body so he would miss, but he just moved his head and bit into the side of my stomach. I fell to the ground and screamed in pain. It burned where he bit me. I clenched the bite and started crying like a baby. He started walking towards me and I started to crawl away, whimpering and still holding the side of my stomach.

He caught up to me and whispered in my ear, "It's a gift from me. You'll seek me out eventually and I'll be waiting for you." With that said, he disappeared, leaving me there in pain. I blacked out afterwards.

-Orochimaru POV-

I was walking back to my hideout when I heard someone. I walked in the direction I heard the noise, but it suddenly stopped. I continued walking in that direction and saw the most beautiful child there. I wanted her. I stepped forward and she activated her sharingan. I took a step back in surprise. She was perfect. It made me want her even more. I looked into her eyes and I could sense all the hatred she had. The pain, betrayal, rage, hurt, disappointment, sadness. I wanted to take it all way and make her happy. I froze at my thought. I was surprised that I actually thought that. I wanted to know who she was that she gave me such thoughts. "My, my, who are you?" I asked.

She took a while to answer, "My name's Kami Uchiha." I smirked, when I heard she was a Uchiha. It explained why she had the sharingan. She stepped back and I stepped forward. I couldn't explain it, but I felt connected to her somehow. I just wanted to protect her from the world so I did the best I could. I outstretched my neck to bite hers, but she moved and I ended up biting the side of her stomach. She fell to the ground and I walked over to her in worry. She started whimpering and crawled away from me, holding her stomach in pain. I caught up to her and whispered in her ear, "It's a gift from me. You'll seek me out eventually and I'll be waiting for you." After saying that I left. The curse mark I gave her will make her stronger and protect her when I can't. 

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