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-Kami POV-

I walked through the gates behind Sasuke and the others, not wanting to stand near that annoying pinky and dumb-dumb Naruto. They both were always obsessing over Sasuke since we were little and it was quite annoying. I felt my hatred burning up inside me and my curse mark reacting to it so I pushed down my hatred for now. Naruto said he had to pee so he walked further into the forest to do his business, alone. 'Naruto' came back, but this wasn't the real Naruto. I noticed it immediately, as did Sasuke, so we both attacked simultaneously.

"Why're you attacking Naruto?!" Sakura yelled.

"Tch." She was really annoying me. While Sasuke was handling 'Naruto' I got in her face. "Listen up, bitch, 'cause I'm only saying this once." A dark aura engulfed me as I spoke. "You're an annoying twat that really needs to just shut up. If you couldn't tell that was a fake Naruto then you're not cut out to be a ninja. You're just dragging us down the way you are now, useless ass bitch." I knocked her out-of-the-way and began walking off, feeling the curse mark acting up. I walked a few yards away from my team then fell to the ground, letting my curse mark spread throughout my body. I crawled over to a tree and forced myself to sit up. For the longest time, I just sat there in silence; listening to all the birds and wildlife. I heard footsteps coming closer, but I was too worn out from the curse mark to move. I looked towards the noise and saw that woman with the freakishly large tongue coming towards me. Our eyes met and my heart fluttered. I couldn't explain these feelings, but something about this woman felt so much like Orochimaru.

She walked over to me and stood right in front of me; looking down at me. I turned away, but she just crouched down and made me face her. She traced my spider web curse pattern with her finger. She turned around then faced me, but this time I saw Orochimaru. I wanted to crawl away and never look back, but my body wouldn't move. It was like some unknown force was keeping me here. He crouched down beside me again and whispered in my ear, "I can help you master that curse mark. All you have to do is follow me."

The first thing that came to mind was Sasuke. How would he react. Would he even miss me? I pushed those thoughts aside and began to think about the pros and cons of leaving with Orochimaru. Pros: I'd learn how to control the curse mark, I would be able to use my sharingan again, I could get strong enough to defeat Itachi, and I'd be able to figure out these feelings I get when I'm near him. Cons: I'd be leaving Sasuke behind and everyone I know, but the pro to that side is, I would leave that godforsaken place where Itachi killed everyone. Overall, going with Orochimaru would be the best option. I'd be getting more benefits than I would be getting if I stayed here. I looked at Orochimaru, feeling my curse mark retreating, and nodded my head.

"Excellent!" He held out his hand for me and I took it. He helped me up and we started walking off. As we were walking we encountered my team. I jumped into a tree with Orochimaru.

"My brother, Sasuke, is pretty strong." I looked at Sasuke from the tree. "Be careful. Don't underestimate him." I warned. He didn't say anything, but jumped from the tree to battle with them. I didn't bother to watch it though. I didn't want too. I didn't want to see my brother get hurt, but I secretly wished Orochimaru would 'accidentally' kill Sakura or maybe Naruto; Sakura more than Naruto. I laid against the tree trunk in the branch and began to fall asleep.

When I woke up, I was in a cave with Orochimaru. I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. "You've been out for quite a while." Orochimaru stated. He got up from his sitting position and walked over to me. "I gave your brother the curse mark so he'll come join us later." I nodded my head. I was kinda glad that I wouldn't be going though this alone. "Forfeit the preliminary rounds then come join me and Kabuto. During the final round, I'm going to destroy the leaf village." I nodded my head again. I never really cared for the village. I'm more concerned with killing Itachi then I am with the village.

I got up from the makeshift bed and headed out towards the mouth of the cave. "I'll be on my way then. I'll meet up with Kabuto after we both forfeit." With that, I ran off to find Sasuke and the others.

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