This is me with cake

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-Kami POV-

It wasn't long before I found them walking towards the tower with Kabuto. I jumped down in front of them from the tree branch I was on. They seemed startled by appearing so suddenly, but Sasuke hugged me, nonetheless. "Where were you?" He asked.

"After I told off pinky over there," I glared at her and she turned away. "I walked off then got lost." I lied while rubbing the back of my head sheepishly. "Anything happen while I was gone?" I asked. I was wondering if he'd tell me about Orochimaru or his curse mark.

"Not much. Just fought this strong guy. That's about it." He lied. I just left it at that and we continued walking towards the tower. Upon entering, I waved goodbye to Kabuto while Sasuke and Naruto opened the scrolls. Iruka-sensei appeared then gave us instructions on what to do from there. We all entered the arena room and met up with the other contestants. We all stood in lines according to our teams and stood there while our 3rd proctor explained the rules. Afterwards, he asked if anyone wanted to forfeit. Me and Kabuto raised our hands then made our way out of the arena to meet up with Orochimaru.

Since, almost, everyone was busy with the chunin exams so we got outside of the village easily. Kabuto took me to Orochimaru's hideout. As we neared the hideout I saw Orochimaru standing there, waiting for us. We entered the hideout and they showed me to my room. It was a pretty plain room. Stone walls, a bed, desk, drawers, a jointed bathroom, and some mirrors. Since the base was underground there were no windows. I sat on the bed and it was surprisingly comfy. The white sheets and baby blue blanket were soft and fluffy as well. It was way better than my bed at home. I cuddled in the blanket until there was a knocked at my door. "Come in!" I yelled.

Orochimaru stepped in and I smiled at him. "Do you like it? I picked the bed and things yesterday." I jumped off the bed and ran towards him. I jumped wrapping my legs around his torso and my arms around his neck, hugging him. "I love it! Thank you!" He wrapped his arms around my back then I got down. "Thank you again!" I smiled, a genuine smile. I've only ever shown this smile towards Sasuke. I looked up and saw Orochimaru blushing? It was hard to tell. I rubbed my eyes and it was gone. I guess my mind is playing tricks on me.

Afterwards, Orochimaru showed my around the hideout. The hallways were like a maze, but he showed me the different patterns to help me get around easier, without getting lost. I felt comfortable here. It just felt like home. Like I belonged here. Our last stop was the kitchen. I jumped up and down like a child then ran to raid the fridge. I took out the eggs, milk, sugar, baking powder, flour, etc. and began making a cake. He had all the ingredients to make my favorite strawberry cake. Sasuke hates sweets, so I never really got the chance to eat them much. Orochimaru sat on one of the chairs in the kitchen, watching me run around.

-Orochimaru POV-

Kami seemed different from the first time I met her. Since we got here she's been more...energetic. We arrived to the kitchen and she started prancing around, grabbing things here and there. By the ingredients she was pulling out I figured out she was making a strawberry shortcake. I sat down, amused, to see her bake. "Sasuke hates sweets, so I never got the chance to eat them much." She said, pouting. I don't think she meant to say that out-loud, so I didn't call her out on it.

"Do you like sweets?" I asked.

She smiled a bright smile and my heart skipped a beat. "I love them!" She continued to put the cake in the oven. While the cake was baking she pulled out even more ingredients and started making something that looked like frosting. I watched her decorate the cake until it was done. As it was finishing, Kabuto came walking in. "Kabuto-san, take a seat." He nodded his head then came to sit next to me.

"What's with her?" He asked.

I just shrugged my shoulders as she brought us each a slice of cake. To my surprise, it was delicious. The cake was so moist and it wasn't too sweet either. It was perfect. The best type of cake I've ever had and I don't really like sweets.

"Are you bipolar?" Kabuto asked. I shot him a glare, but, in the corner of my eye, I saw Kami shake her head.

"This is the real me." She smiled. "I love to bake sweets and dance! I also sing a little. Sasuke calls me a child, but I just have a childish personality. I just don't show it unless I'm at home."

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