Drink, Kami.

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-Kami POV-

I woke up, still in the meadow, and turned my head over to Zetsu. "It's been a few days, Kami. Do you want to return now?" White Zetsu asked. I nodded my head and got up. For these past 3 days, I've been here with Zetsu. I wonder if they even noticed I was gone. Probably not, since it's such a big hideout. Oh well, if they did I'd just say I was outside training or something. Zetsu reached out for my hand and I took it. Moments later, I arrived in my bedroom. "If you need us, we'll be at the Akatsuki base." They said then left.

I went into my bathroom and took a shower. Although being in the meadow was nice and all, I needed a shower. Swimming in a lake wasn't going to cut it. I turned on the hot water and just let it run on my skin. It felt nice and I wanted to enjoy every bit of it. I got out of the shower, 30 minutes later, then got dressed. I walked out of my bedroom and into the living room. I sat on the couch and started watching some random show.

-Sasuke POV-

I just finished my training with Orochimaru so I decided to go inside and get a shower. I passed through the living room and noticed Kami, sitting there, watching TV. "Kami, listen." I started.

"If it's about my eyes then I don't want to hear it." She said coldly. I was a bit taken back since she never talked to me like that; only other people. She turned to face me. "It was my choice. I don't care what you say." She scoffed then turned her head back to the TV. I sighed and walked off. Since we got here, she changed. My baby sister has changed. I guess that's my fault since I've changed too. I grimaced then walked into my room.


Stupid Sasuke. I got up from the couch, turned off the TV, and went to the kitchen. "I want juice." I murmured. I looked around the fridge and pulled out a white bottle. I inspected it. "Well, here goes nothing." I took a swig and almost spit it out. It tasted horrible, but after that first drink my mind wanted more. I shrugged it off and chugged the rest of the bottle. When I was done, I felt warm and fuzzy inside. I left the bottle on the counter and stumbled towards Orochimaru-sama's office. Without knocking, I entered. He was just sitting at his desk doing paperwork. I walked over to him and sat on his lap; facing him.

"Kami, what are you doing?" He asked, but I ignored him. I planted light kisses starting from his cheek down to his neck. I must have hit his sweet spot because he grabbed my waist. I smirked and lightly started to nibble on the spot. "You're playing a very dangerous game, Kami." I heard Orochimaru-sama say. He brought my face to his. "How'd you get drunk?" He asked.

"I wanted juice, but ended up drinking something else." I slurred. I shift a little then felt something rub against my 'peach'. As it did, I let out a small moan. I felt Orochimaru-sama stiffen. I looked down and saw I was sitting on something hard. I was going to touch it when Orochimaru-sama grabbed my wrist.

"Not a good idea, Kami." He stated. I pouted and felt a pulsating sensation where my peach was. I let my body take over and did what I felt was natural. I slowly started moving my hips, making my peach rub against that hard spot. I started moaning lightly and Orochimaru-sama grabbed my hips and started pushing me harder against the bulge. It started feeling really good and I wanted more. I started moaning louder and went faster. "Shh, someone will hear us." Orochimaru-sama said. He leaned in and started to kiss me. It was starting to get really hot. I took off my shirt and Orochimaru-sama took off his. He picked me up then threw me on his bed. He climbed on top of me and started to suck on my neck. He nibbled on a certain spot on my neck and I started to moan. 

The hard spot started to rub against my peach once again and I moaned louder. I slapped my hand on my mouth to lower the volume. Orochimaru-sama took off my bra and started sucking on my little lumps. I reach down and started to take off my pants. I threw them on the ground and I felt the bulge rub against my peach better. I felt my peach and it was all wet and slimy. I started rubbing it with my fingers and it felt amazing. I pushed two fingers in my peach and slowly started to finger my peach. Orochimaru-sama noticed what I was doing and whispered in my ear, "Does that feel good?"

"Yes, Orochimaru-sama." I moaned. Orochimaru-sama took off my panties and removed my hand; replacing it with his. I felt his fingers go inside me and I held my mouth to muffle my moans. He removed his fingers and took off his pants and underwear. I crawled over to Orochimaru-sama and started playing with his stick. My hand rubbed it up and down. A little white stuff came out of the tip and I licked it off. I placed my mouth over the stick and started to suck it. As I did, I felt it twitch. Soon white stuff came out of it and was in my mouth. I swallowed it. It tasted sweet, but a bit bitter at the same time. Orochimaru-sama laid me down once more and started to rub the tip of his stick on my peach. "Oro~chi~maru~-sama~ please~ don't tea~se~ me~." I moaned. 

"It'll hurt if I put it in." He answered. I felt him rub his stick against my peach more and I knew he was teasing me. I didn't care if it hurt me. I knew my body wanted it. I flipped Orochimaru-sama over onto his back and me on top. I smirked. I steadied his stick as I started to sit on it. He was right. It did hurt when I started pushing it in, but at the same time there was pleasure. I slapped my hand over my mouth as I pushed down on Orochimaru-sama's stick. When I reach the bottom, my body twitched with anticipation and pain. I slowly started going up and down. When the pain subsided there was nothing, but sheer pleasure. Orochimaru-sama must have felt it too, because he sat up and started to help me ride him. "Moan my name." I heard him purr in my ear.

"Oro~chi~maru~" I moaned. As I moaned, I felt Orochimaru-sama's stick get bigger. I moaned Orochimaru-sama's name louder. I began to move faster. Orochimaru-sama moved me to my back and started to thrust hard and fast into me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and I moaned louder. Orochimaru-sama started to slow down, but still kept thrusting me hard. We both grunted as we cummed; at the same time. I felt his hot liquid inside me. It left a warm feeling inside me and I smiled at him. He laid down next to me and I laid on his chest. "Did we just have sex?" I asked.

"Yea, we did." He confirmed. I snuggled close to him and fell asleep.

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