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-Kami POV-

I wake up around 11 then get dressed in hurry. I rush to the training grounds and see everyone already there, except Kakashi-sensei. I sit on the railings next to Sasuke, waiting for our sensei to come. About 5 minutes later, he comes and tells us some lame excuse about a black cat in his way so he had to take the long way around. He pulls out three bells and hold them up in front of us. "You have until noon to get a bell. If you don't get one by noon then you'd be tied to a post and watch as I eat lunch right in front of you along with being sent back to the academy." He sets a timer on a post. "Begin!"

Everyone goes and hides, expect me and Naruto. I stay seated on the railing watching Kakashi defeat Naruto. When then Sasuke goes and tries to defeat him. I see Kakashi bring Sasuke down underground and I get pissed. I jump off the railing and walk slowly towards Sasuke, making small craters where I step. While walking towards Sasuke I see Sakura faint because she sees Sasuke's head just sticking out of the ground. I fall to the ground laughing as she does, forgetting my anger. I wipe the tears from my eye and pull Sasuke out of ground. I chakra walk up a tree and hang upside down. "Look at me, Sasuke. I'm a bat!" I smile brightly. He smiles, but continues to try and defeat Kakashi. I jump to the ground and make my way to the post. I sit down next to one as the bell rings. Not long after, Naruto gets tied to a poll and Sasuke and Sakura sit down with me.

"I decided that I am not going to send neither of you back to the academy." Kakashi says.

"So does that mean we pass?" Naruto asks. Him and Sakura start cheering.

"No, it means that I am permanently dropping you from the program." He says. Sasuke gets mad and tries to attack him. He sits on Sasuke and I am about to do something, but Kakashi speaks, "Sakura, you only cared about Sasuke when there was Naruto you could have helped. Naruto, you attacked straight on and fell for the easiest traps. A ninja must see through deception. Sasuke, you thought everyone was so beneath you that you did everything by yourself. And Kami, you did nothing. The key to this exercise was teamwork." He takes a kunai and put it to Sasuke's neck. "Sakura kill Naruto, if not, I'll kill Sasuke. Kami, if Sakura fails kill her."

I hear the word kill and my whole world goes black. Kill... kill... kill... kill... kill... kill...

-Sasuke POV-

Kakashi tells Kami to kill Sakura and Kami's eyes turn blank. I try to wiggle out from under Kakashi before Kami can do something, but he has a strong grip on me. I see Kami grab a kunai and aim for Sakura's neck. "Kami!" I yell. She draws a bit of blood from Sakura's neck when she stops. She turns to look at me. Kakashi got off of me and I walked over to her, slowly. I whisper in her ear, "We're killing Itachi, not Sakura." She snaps out of it and hugs me. I pick her up, bridal style, "We're going home for the day. Kami need to rest." Before anyone can say anything I leave with Kami.

When we arrive home I put Kami in her bed, but she grabs my wrist so I don't leave. "Sasuke, I don't want to be a ninja. I just want to destroy Itachi and restore our clan." She starts crying. "I'll train by myself and with you. Just please, can I stay home?" I reluctantly nod my head and she hugs me. "Thank you, Sasuke. I won't let you down." I hug her back and lay her down so she can rest. I leave her room and head to mine, but there is a knock at the door. I head towards the door and spot Kakashi. I open the door for him and he walks in. I lead him to the living room so we can talk.

"What happened to Kami?" He asked. I pretended to be oblivious to the question.

"She's resting in her room." I state.

"That's not what I meant." Kakashi says. I curse under my breath.

"Well, you told her to kill Sakura so she tried to kill Sakura. You need to be careful about what you say to my sister. We've been through a lot and telling her to kill someone other than the person we're trying to kill is a big no-no." I state.

"Who do you want to kill so bad?" He asks.

I start to angry, "That's none of your concern, Kakashi-sensei. If you'd please leave now, I need to make dinner before Kami wakes up." He reluctantly leaves and I start making dinner for me and my sister.

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