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Brooklyn's POV:


Sorry I'm really tired rn.

It's 11 am rn and I'm waiting to catch my flight to LA.

Why am I going to LA you might ask?

I'm going to spend the WHOLE summer with my brother and his friends because my mom & dad are going on vacation to the Bahamas.

Yep, my "famous" viner brother, Matt Espinosa. I'm Brooklyn Espinosa, nice to meet ya.

I decided to text Matt.

📱Text Convo📱
Me: Boarding😊

Matt: Ayyeee. I can't wait to see you!  The guys can't wait either

Me: Ahhhhhhh😂 can't wait to see you guys too

Matt: See ya . Love ya❤️

Me:  Byeeeeeee💓


This is gonna be a longggg flight...

{IN LA🌴}

"I hopped off the plane at L.A.X"

...had to.

Making my way down the tunnel thing, I took my phone out to text Matt that I'm here.


"BROOKE!" I heard someone yell.

I recognized the voice right away.

Looking up, there they were.

Holding up signs with "Welcome to LA Brooklyn" and "2 Espinosa's=TURN TF UP."

Could they have embarrassed me anymore then they already have?

I don't even care.

I ran over to Matt and jumped in his arms.

We haven't seen each other in such a long time since he's moved and became famous. I don't blame him though, he's been living like he should.

"I can't believe you're here," he smiled and put me down.

"I can't either," I laughed and looked behind him at the other boys.

Let's see, there's Nash, Cam, Taylor, Carter, The Jacks, Aaron and Shawn...wait who is that? He's fine af like zayummm shawty lemme get yo numba!

Sam Wilkinson's POV:

She was even prettier in person. Her long dirty blonde hair was put in a messy bun and she was wearing gray joggers, white high top converse, and a maroon sweatshirt.

I can't even lie that made her look even sexier. And her as-

"Hey," a voice said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

It was Brooklynn.

"Oh hey," I replied with a smile.

"Your name is?"

"Sam, Sam Wilkinson"

"Well hey there Sam Sam Wilkinson," she chuckled and it was the cutest thing ever,"I'm Brooklyn Brooklyn Espinosa but you can call me Brooke."

I laughed, "Nice to meet you."

"IN N OUT TIME," Taylor yelled and they started running away.

Brooklyn's POV:

I hopped on Matt's back and we soon caught up to them.

"Get yo fat ass off me," Matt said with a disgusted face.

"I know my booty's juicy," I said and flipped my hair.

Everybody heard it and everybody was laughing. We literally told jokes the rest of the way to the car.

"Shot gun," Sam yelled and got in the front seat.

We all got in and I ended up sitting between the Jacks.

"What up Brooklyn," Johnson greeted and gave me a high five.

"Junsun," I chuckled.

"Selfie fo the gram?" he asked and I nodded saying,"yessssss."

We took like fifty selfies but I ended up only liking about 2.

In the one he posted he was smiling and I was doing a silly face.

Johnson's POV:

She's a silly girl...I like her haha.

She's really pretty too.

I don't know what happened to Matt but....

Lol I'm jk.

"Do you know how to play concentration?" she asked.

"Who doesn't?" I laughed and put my hands up to start the game.

We played it the whole way to In-N-Out like we were 9 years old.

After we ate, we went home and played another game.

Only this time it was more intense and was with the whole squad.

Truth or Dare.

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