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{Back in LA}
-Brooke's POV-

My eyes fluttered open.

I just woke up.

Looking over to my right, I see a sleepy Johnson.

So cute.

So freaking cute.

Food is on my mind (when is it not) so I walk downstairs to get some.

"Morning Guys," I greeted and shuffled over to the kitchen.

How was it even possible that they were up and ready already and I can't even keep my eyes open for 5 seconds yet.

"Must of been a longgggg night last night huh Brookie?" Nash said and wiggled is eyebrows.

I stick up my middle finger at him while turning the corner into the kitchen.

"That's Jack's job," Nash responded and even though I couldn't see him, I knew he was smirking.

His dumbass.

I grabbed a bag of chips, aka the healthiest breakfast ever, and head back upstairs.

While running up the stairs I run into something...someone actually.


He doesn't really talk to me anymore, you know after that conversation on the roof.

"I will never stop trying, no matter what gets in the way."

Yea so much for that.

The most he's said to me is "Hey."

That's it.

Anyways, I hop back in bed next to Jack and turn on the tv.

Of course it's Vampire Diaries on the screen.

Vampire Diaries fans WHERE YOU AT?!?


Stefan is some heat.

All of the sudden, there's moving coming from the other side of the bed.

He's finally waking up.

His eyes fluttered and looked over to me.

"Morning sleepyhead."

"Morning princess," he says while grabbing my hand and kisses it.

God his voice.

Morning voices are the worst and by worst I mean absolute best because adorable messy hair, raspy voices and pouty lips...I can't deal with this.

He grabbed his phone and started twiddling his thumbs.

So I did the same thing, going on Instagram of course.

And about a second later, there was a notification that just came up.

A comment.

It was Jack.

"You're not cute"


I turned over to face him and just stared at him.

"That's not what you said last night," I say,"you were like 'damn brooke, you so fineeee and i just wanna f-"

I was interrupted by a kiss on my lips.

"Good, you stopped talking," he chuckled and went back on his phone.

I smiled and grabbed the bag of chips again.

He reached for the bag, but I pulled away.

"Oh no no no," I shook my head.

"Are you honestly not gonna share those with me?" he asked with a puppy dog face.

"You said I'm not cute," I reminded him and popped a cheeto in my mouth.

"I know," he replied with a 'duh' voice.

"Cuz your sexy as fuck," he added.

I looked over at him, back at my phone and gave him the bag.


"So what are we gonna do today? I mean it is our one month anniversary," I ask him.

"Don't worry babygirl, I got it all planned out. Just go get changed into something casual," he tells me.

I smile and get up to go get ready.

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