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Brooklyn's POV:
"Wake upppppp," I heard someone yell before I felt a 150 pound object land on my back.

What a great way to wake someone up, I applaud them.

I smacked whoever it was right in the face.

He fake cried and started jumping on the other end of my bed.

"Brooke Cookie wake the f up!"

I slowly got up to see who it was.

Of course it was my annoying brother.

"Matthew boy get the f out!" I mocked his tone of voice.

He jumped off and ran out of the room.

He's too much for me.

Slowly rolling out of bed, I made my way to my closet to pick out an outfit.

We're exploring LA today. Going to the beach, eating good food and whatever else you can do in LA.

I had to wear a swimsuit under my outfit but here's my

•a navy blue LA baseball cap
•white high wasted shorts
•a matching navy blue sweatshirt
•white converse


When I was finished I went downstairs to the kitchen...again straight to the fridge.

While searching for food, something came up behind me and almost scared the shiitake mushrooms outta me.

"You look fine today," someone said from behind me.

Recognizing the voice right away, I turn around and say,"I know," then walk away.

It was Sam.

We all went to get in the car.

I sat by Cameron and Shawn.

Shawn doesn't talk much but his voice is amazinggg! Sometimes when I walk past his room I hear him singing and it's just perfec-

Aw shit.

Guess what song just came on?

"Up Like Trump"

"THIS MY SHIZZZZZZ," Cameron yelled and started clapping like a white girl.

"Sameeee Jessicaaaa," I chuckled and clapped with him.

We both started rapping to the song while Nash was recording us on his snapchat.

"Up like Donald Trump, Chain swings like nunchucks, she gone chew you up, twerk like she from Russia"

If you were a car next to us and you couldn't hear the music in our car...you would think there's something wrong with us and we're getting possessed.

Next thing you know the car's stopped and parked in a parking ramp. We all got out and started walking.

"My legs are tired alreadyyy," I whined.

"Hop on my back," Johnson suggested and stop walking.

"Are you serious?" I asked and walked over to him.

"Yea get on," he said and bent his knees a little so it would be easy for me to get on.

"You the real mvp," I told him and wiped fake tears from my eyes. He just laughed.

"Yooo me and Shawn versus you and Brooke right now," Aaron challenged Jack and got on Shawn's back.

"Let's goo," Johnson cheered.

"Prepare to lose," Shawn chuckled.

Shawn and Johnson got set to run.

Nash was the whatever person who says when to go.

"On you mark...get set...go!"

Johnson took off running and zayum! He's faster than I thought he was gonna be.

Shawn was only a few inches behind but we were so close to the end!

"You got this Jack! Cmon were almost there," I motivated him.

He ran even faster and...WE WON.

"Ayyeeeee," I yelled getting of Jacks back and giving him a high five.

"Hell yeah!" Jack screamed.

"We let you win," Shawn said sarcastically.

"Oh for sure," I said and rolled my eyes with a laugh.

We waited for the rest of the guys to catch up with us then continued to walk.

I got back on Jack's back again because walking is too much for me lol. And he said he doesn't mind so we good.

"So are we going to In-N-Out?" Sammy asked.

"Ew no," Gilinsky said with a disgusted face.

"Yea, could we could to a Jack in the Box or something?" I asked.

"How bout we just split up? The people who wanna go to In N Out can go there then the others can go to Jack in the Box," Cam suggested.

We all agreed so that's exactly what we did.

Me, the Jacks, and Nash went to Jack in the Box, then the rest went to In N Out.

On the way there, we got bombarded by a bunch of fans! It was crazy! The whole thing of taking pictures and stuff lasted about a half hour. They were so sweet though!

We ate and left in about 30 minutes too.

We walked out of Jack in the box and Johnson screamed,"my turn!" while jumping on my back.

I just laughed at how childish he said "my turn."

"Where to next?" I ask.


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