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It's too early for this. (10am)

We're getting ready to go to Orlando for the Magcon tour. I forgot all about that until now.

The first event is tomorrow but we're leaving a day early cuz we're cool like that.


•black leggings
•low top black converse
•black tank top
•red and black flannel
...I like wearing black.

"BROOKE HURRY UP!" Matt screamed from down the stairs.

"Coming!" I yelled back, grabbing my phone, suitcase, and ran down the stairs.

He was waiting for me at the door, everyone else was in the car.

"You ready?" he chuckled.

I nodded and got in the car, sitting in between Johnson and Aaron.

I buckled my seatbelt, took out my phone, and put on my headphones.

Of course I was listening to Alessia Cara...who else? lol.

Something tapped my shoulder.

Looking over, only to see a Johnson holding up his phone with a picture on the screen.

He took off my headphones.

The picture was of me and him, the day Bryant took pictures of the squad at the beach.

He was carrying me bridal style and the background was beautiful!

"We cute," I giggled.

"I mean I am," he said,"I don't know about you though."

"Fuck you," I laughed and laid my head down on his shoulder, trying to go to sleep.

"What time?" he asked with a smirk.

"Wasn't an invitation," I corrected him and went to sleep.

Johnson's POV:
//At the Airport//

We all got out of the car and started walking.

"Johnson!" I heard someone yell.

It was Brooke.

Still standing by the car with her hands out.

She wanted a piggy back ride.

Lazy ass.

I walked over to her, bent my knees a little and she hopped on.

I carried her all the way to security.

Good thing I don't hate her...

We went through security and started to find our gate.

On the way we got found by some fans but only a few of them. Gotta love the fans man.

Now we're just sitting waiting for them to call us to board.

Brooklyn went to the bathroom though.

Oh wait here she comes.

She looks so tired but still looks smexy af.

Sitting down next to me, she put her head on my shoulder again and fell asleep.

Brooklyn's POV:

"Flight 989 to Orlando you are now boarding"

Next Stop, Florida.

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