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Johnson's POV:

We were all sitting down just talking about random shit.

I was playing with Brooke's hair lol.

"So what y'all trynna do?" JC asked.


"We could film a video."


"Go to the beach?"


And then it hit me.

"Yooo lets all go on a road trip together!"

"YESS," they all agreed.

"Where too?"

"I don't know, mayb-"

"MALIBU BABYYY," Cameron interrupted.

"For sure!" Andrea said and gave Cam a high five.

"Malibu it is," Kian smiled,"how bout we leave tomorrow?"

We all agreed.

Well this should be an experience.

Brooke's POV:
At Home//

"No you can't go," Matt told me.

I was furious rn.

"Give me one good reason," I argued.

"Because I said so!" he replied with anger.

I was gonna say something smart back, but just decided to let it go.

"Fine," and stormed off up to Johnson's room.

God sometimes he can be such a PAIN IN MY BIG FAT ASS.

It's like he doesn't want me to have fun. We all know that when they are gone having the time of their lives, I will be in this house watching Netflix by myself and eating.

...Now that I think of it, that's not that bad.

But still!

I slammed the door behind me, plopped down on his bed right next to him and screamed into my pillow.

"It's okay babygirl," Johnson comforted me and rubbed my back,"I'll stay back with you."

I sat up and looked at him like he was crazy.

"Just cause this girl can't go doesn't mean you have to stay back and suffer with her," I told him.

"Well I'd rather 'suffer' with my favorite girl then be away from her for 3 days," he told me and brought me into a hug.

We cuddled for the next few moments just talking about the trip and stuff. I really want him to go and have fun. Being the thing that's holding him back from going is honestly so dumb. He could be having the time of his life instead of hanging out with lame old me.

He's going...

I will force him.


I guess I was spacing out because once I was back I noticed Johnson was staring at me with a smile on his face.


"You're really beautiful that's all," he stated and kissed me on the nose.

I blushed really hard and hid my face in his chest.

"Don't hide your beautiful face from me!" he demanded and started tickling me.

Laughing so hard, I punched him in his shoulder and got up.

"I'm gonna change so at least turn around," I told him.

"Why? I won't look, I'm reading this magazine."

"Babe," I chuckled.


"The magazine is upside down..."

"Oops," he laughed with slight embarrassment.

I decided to forget about it and just strip off my shirt.

Nothing he hasn't seen before right;)

I still had my sports bra on though.

"Damn you are sexy," Johnson said and came up behind me, grabbing my hips.

He started kissing my neck.

So I turned around and started kissing him.

It got heated real quick.

He licked my lips for entrance and I agreed.

He threw me on the bed and got on top of me, grinding and shiz.


The next thing you know our clothes were off of our bodies.

Skin on skin.

The rest of what happened shall not be talked about.

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