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*long but important chapter*

Matt's POV:

Me and Brooke are laying down in our hotel room watching Netflix rn.

Expelled to be exact.

Cameron Dallas representin' ayeeee.


Yes we're Netflix and chillin but not in the way your dirty mind thinks ya nasty.

I don't know about you but when I say "Netflix and Chill" I mean "Netflix and don't talk during the movie."

Anyways, the other guys went to get us food.

You can tell me and Brooke are related cuz of our laziness level.

All of the sudden she sits up, turns towards me and just stares at me...

Possessed or nah?

Then she says something that shocks the mess outta me...but I should've seen it coming.

"Matt, I have feelings for Jack."

I just nodded.

I didn't know what else to do or say.

"That's it?" she asked,"a fucking nod?"

"Well what do you want me to say?" I chuckled.

She thought about it.

"I don't know," she sighed and laid back down.

We watched a little bit more of the movie until the next conversation was brought up.

She was right I should've said more and actually sound happy for her...even if I wasn't.

"So tell me," I started off,"what do you like about him?"

I could see her smile grow out of the corner of my eye.

"He's just so...perfect. I know I've only known him for a couple weeks but as corny as this next thing is gonna sound...I feel like I've known him for the longest of time. We just get along so well."

"I'm happy for you Brooke, I really am," I lied.

Sam's the one she should be talking about not Jack.

//Next Day//
Brooke's POV:

"Hey guys! We're on our way to the first event anddddd I'm really hungry...story of my life," I say into the camera.

I'm starting to vlog on my channel because the only video I have up so far is the Paint War one.

"Today's gonna be sooo crazy! Can't wait."

"Matt say hi," I turned the camera towards Matt.

"What up!" he yelled with a peace sign.

"Yea he's a lame," I giggled with the camera still on him.

He stuck up his middle finger.

"Matt! Somebody's mom could be watching this."

"And I don't give no fuck," he said and stuck up his other middle finger.

I turned the camera back to me.

"Well...good morning Orlando!" I chuckled and turned off the camera.

Me and Matt started laughing hysterically.

We need help.

I looked out the window at all the buildings.

All I need is some sad music then I could pretend I'm in a music video lol.

"It's so pretty down here."

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