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//Next Day//
Brooke's POV:

Today, Matt, Sam, Shawn, Carter, Aaron, Taylor and I are going to Santa Monica.

I just woke up and it's really early right now so nobody's awake yet.

This would be a great time to get food...

//In The Kitchen//

I grab my favorite cereal in the WHOLE ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD and the milk.

If you're wondering, Fruit Loops are the best cereal ever known on earth.


Food is just a great thing okay. It's always there for me...especially when I'm stressed out.

A couple minutes later, I hear footsteps coming down the stairs.

It's probably Shawn because some days he wakes up really early to make muffins.

Shawn loves him some muffins.


I was a little off on who it was.

He sees me and immediately starts to turn around.

"What's up Sam?"

"Hey," he responds but keeps on walking towards the stairs.

"Where are you going?" I ask him.

"I forgot something."

"Don't you dare lie to me Wilkinson."

He stops walking.

Turns back around.

And walks back into the kitchen.

He grabs a bowl, walks over to me and hands me the bowl.

I pour some cereal in it for him and start to talk to him.

"How you been?" I ask him as I'm pouring the milk.

"Please Brooke, just don't talk to me," he says and grabs the bowl.


I'm silent.

I honestly have no idea what to think or what to say.

He doesn't want me to talk to him?

"Okay you don't have to be a bitch about what happened Sam. I told you how I felt about you. I didn't wanna end up falling for the both of y-"

"How'd you choose?" he interrupted me.


"How. Did. You. Choose?"

I bury my face in my hands for the next few moments of silent and sigh.

Honestly...how did I choose between them? Well that's easy you must be thinking, because I never liked Sam right?


The truth is, I kinda did like Sam but it wasn't for that long.

And then my feelings for Johnson grew...like a lot.

So I had to tell Sam to stop doing what he was doing with me because the person I wanted to focus on a relationship was Johnson.

Johnson made me feel loved.  He made me feel like I meant the world to him. That's why I love him.

...what if Johnson was in Sam's situation...or what if he wasn't because he doesn't care about me enough.

Maybe Jack got it easy with me but Sam's the one that truly likes me?


I need to stop thinking.

I worry too damn much.

This all just needs to s-

Sam grabs my hand.

"It's okay, you don't have to answer," he pauses, "I'm just glad you're happy."

He walks out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

I eat my cereal in peace.

Thinking about what just happened.

Like I said...

Food is ALWAYS there for me.

Obstacles♡-Jack Johnson FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now