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Matt's POV:

We drove to the hospital as quickly as possible.

We sprinted into the hospital going to the front desk.

"Do you know how Brooklyn Espinosa is?" we asked the nurse who looked shocked at how many teenagers just came rushing in.

She typed something into her computer and a few seconds later said," Brooklyn is in surgery right now, you can wait to see her in our waiting room."

"What about Taylor Caniff?"

She typed some more.

"He is currently in life support," she told us.

"Dammit," I mumbled under my breath.

We all went to take a seat.

I hope they can both pull through this.

We saw what happened on the news
and Taylor's car was crushed.

To be honest I'm shocked they're still alive.

It looked really bad.

"I need som air," Johnson said and rushed out the building.

We were all silent, staring into space.

How could this happen?

A lot of shit has happened lately and this just adds on.

A couple minutes later we got the news.

"Taylor Caniff's family"

All of us stood up and the doctor walked over to us.

"How is he?" Shawn asked right away.

"Taylor was severely injured in the accident. We tried our hardest but sadly he..." she paused,"He couldn't pull through. I'm deeply sorry."

I rushed my hand through my hair and walked away to the bathroom.

I threw up.


This isn't happening.

Taylor...he's dead.

Aaron's POV:

This is the worst news I have ever gotten.

Taylor was the person I was closest too out of all the boys.

"Are you guys also here for Brooke Espinosa?" the doctor asked.

"Yes," we all answered in unison.

"She is out of surgery. You guys can see her if you would like, but only two at a time," she said.

"Where's Matt?" Carter asked.

"Me and Cam are going first," Matt says outta no where.

"Follow me."

Matt's POV:
{In Brooke's Hospital Room}

She had scars all over her face and could barely keep her eyes open.

"Hey Brookie," I whispered and took her hand.

"Matt," she responded but was barely audible.

"Hey Nash," she smiled.

He bent down and kissed her on the forehead.

"Where's Taylor? Is he okay?" she asked looking worried.

"We haven't heard anything yet," I lied to her.

She has enough stress on her shoulders already.

Brooke's POV:

Next two to come in were Aaron and Shawn.

"Can you sing to me?" I asked Shawn.

He smiled lightly and began singing my favorite song of his with his beautiful voice.

"Sometimes it all gets a little to much, But you gotta realize that soon the fog will clear up."

Next two were the Jacks....

Well a Jack.

Johnson's POV:

We were walking to the door, but when we got there I stopped and turned around.

"Where you going?" Gilinsky asks me.

"I can't see her like this."

He grabbed my arm,"she needs you right now dude."

I looked him straight in the eyes.

She does need me...and I need her even more.

I miss her.

I miss her so fucking much it hurts.

Her voice...it just sounds like home & I miss that.

I feel myself changing. I don't even laugh the same anymore.

It's irritating ending on bad terms like this. So much was left unsaid.

...but I don't want to hurt her again like I did this time.

She deserves someone better.

I jerked my arm out of Gilinsky's grip and continued walking away from Brooke's room.

Brooke's POV:

In came Gilinsky.

"Brooke!" he cheered and came to give me a gentle hug.

"Hey," I smiled back.

"Jack couldn't come, he has s-"

"It's okay, I just saw him leave."

He was silent.

"Just tell him I would like to see him soon," I told him and looked away.

Gilinsky's POV:

God, I do not want to do this at all.

"I'm sorry," I apologized, before starting off what I about to say.

This is going to ruin her.

"For what?"

"He doesn't care anymore," I start off,"Jack never talks about you or say how bad he misses you. He doesn't remember how it feels to kiss your lips. He doesn't care about you Brooke, and you chasing him is gonna make your pride smaller. He doesn't think about you late at night anymore. He doesn't love you anymore," I finished and got up.

There were tears in her eyes but I could tell she was holding them back.

Why would they make me say that?

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