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Brooke's POV:

I hopped off the plane only to see my phone was getting blown up with notifications.

People were tagging me in a photo.
So I unlocked my phone...and smiled at the image I was now looking at.

It was a picture of me sleeping on Jack's shoulder. Nash posted it with the caption "qt's❤️"

I didn't mind him posting it but I can already see the dating rumors coming my way.

"Whatchu smilin at?" Nash asked me with a smirk on his face.

He must know EXACTLY what I'm smiling at.

I looked at him and he wiggled his eyebrows.

Which earned him a punch in the shoulder.

"Owww," he whined, rubbing the place I just punched him,"it's not my fault that ya'll cute or whatever"

I just laughed and shook my head.

//At the Hotel//

I hate walking...if you haven't already noticed.

So I'm on Matt's back now.

We're in the elevator on our way up to the rooms.

Room #1: Cam, Nash & Shawn

Room #2: Carter, Aaron & Taylor

Room #3: Sam, Jack & Jack

Room #4: Me & Matt

"Yo we should go swimming!" Taylor suggested and we all agreed.

So when we got to our room, we got changed, and went down to the pool.

Matt said he needed to do something and that he'd be down in a second.

I wonder what he's doing.


//At The Pool//

"CANNONBALL," Aaron yells and jumps in.

Aaron is lowkey one of the funniest guys of the group. We've actually gotten pretty close over this past week.

"Damn could y-"

I was picked up off my feet.

It was Cam.

"ADIOS," he chuckled and threw me into the pool.

This wigga.

I popped up out of the water with my middle finger saluting him.

He laughed.

"I mean I know you want some," he said referring to his body,"but no thanks."


"Chillll," I chuckled and shook my head at how childish he's being right now.

We were all just messing around playing Marco Polo and shit until...

Someone grabbed my ass underwater.

I turned around too quick.

Oh and could you guess who it was?

Bitch you guessed it...HWOOOO.

You's right.

Sam Wilkinson.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I whispered to Sam,"stop!"

He didn't listen.

So I smacked him in his face.

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