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Sam's POV:

Tf is she doing with Jack?

Especially this late.

I mean not that i care or anything but...

Who am I kidding, yes I do.

When we played truth or dare earlier and she slapped me, I knew what she was doing.

Playing hard to get.

You should of saw the way she looked at me at the airport.

I mean who wouldn't want the one and only Sam Wilkinson?

So I'm not worried.

Jack doesn't have ANYTHING on me.

They walked through the door with penny boards in their hands.

"Where were you guys," I asked, suddenly getting all tensed up.

"Woah dude. We just went penny boarding," Johnson answered and went to lay down on the couch.

Brooke nodded and plopped down on the floor.

"Brooklyn Marie Espinosa what the hell!" Matt came storming into the room.

"Why is this such a big deal to everyone?" I chuckled but was a little angry so I ran upstairs.

It's just...I have no idea which room is which.

So I went into the first door on the right.

When I opened it up a strong scent filled my nose.

It smelled good though thank god.

Slowly walking in, I close the door behind me and look around.

Red walls. Black bedding. And a huge closet in the back.

This. Is. Awesome.

I love it!

My thoughts were interrupted by the door knob turning and two seconds later, there was a confused, half naked boy standing in the doorway. His hair was wet so he must've just taken a shower.

I was speechless.

What was I supposed to say?

"Oh sorry I just was wandering looking through people's rooms."

Yea no.

"Hey Brooke," he chuckled.

"Hey-sorry I was a bit lost," I chuckled getting up from his bed and walking to the door.

"No worries," he said and rushed his hand through his hair.

I smiled at him and slipped past him through the door way.

Again, I don't know where tf I'm going!

So I just go back downstairs to the kitchen.

With my luck, Matt was in there.


I ignored him and went to the fridge.

"Brooke I didn't mean t-"

"I'm over it Espinosa," I mumbled and took an apple out.

He came up to me and gave me a hug.

"I'm just really happy your here," he whispered.

"Sammeee," I giggled and took a bite of my apple,"Missed you a lot."

Johnson's POV:

It was just me, Sam and Gilinsky in the living room now.

Gilinsky was talking about how him and Madison are going out tomorrow to some concert.

Sam doesn't really like Madison so he tuned him out.

"Madison's going to freak out man," he laughed.

I gave him a thumbs up and went back on my phone.

When we were at the cliff I took a picture of me and Brooke's feet dangling off the edge and posted it on Instagram. So I was reading the comments.
Who tf is she Johnson???



Back of Brooklyn

I always think the comments are so funny to read.

"So Johnson what'd you and Brooke do again?" Sam asked.

I didn't wanna tell him about going to the cliff because nobody knows about it expept for me...and well Brooklyn now.

"We just went penny boarding around the neighborhood," I answered.

"Why would you guys go this late?" he asked.

Why does he care so much? Stop asking questions Sammy boy!

"Because you guys were asleep and we were bored," I answered honestly.

He nodded.

"Well I'm goin to sleep, goodnight," I told them and went upstairs to my room.

I fell asleep instantly.

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