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//Next Day//
Brooke's POV:

My eyes flutter open to see I'm in a small, red-walled, room.




There was music playing in the background.

Chance the Rapper.

Good taste.

I get up and start investigating the room I'm in.

There were pictures on the wall so that's where I head to first.

It's of a blonde girl and she's really really pretty.

She looks familiar, like I've seen her somewhere before.

The door starts to open and quickly turn around turn around to see who it is.

It's the girl in the picture.

"Well hello there stranger," she smiled and waved at me.


She just stares at me.


"Oh! My name is Lele-Lele Pons. Uh I found you wandering outside my house last night crying your ass off so I brought you into my house," she told me.

Smart girl.


"I'm Brooke."

"I thought you looked familiar! You're not Matt's sister are you?"

"That would be me."

"Do you want me to take you home?" she offered.

"Actually could I stay here for a bit? I need someone to talk to," I asked.

She probably thinks I'm a psycho for wanting to talk to a stranger about personal issues.

"For sure, we're ordering pizza too."

I like her already.

{Pizza Gets There}

"So what's up?" she asks, siting down on the couch next to me.

I took a deep breath.

"So last night I went to this party with all the boys. Matt gives me a drink and I start to feel dizzy and just not right. Later, I run into this guy and we umm- we uh-"

"You guys fucked?" she asked.

"Not exactly."

"A really intense make out session?"


"Why you so mad about it? Get you some girl!" she giggled.

"Lele I have a boyfriend."

"Him?" she questioned.

"Not him."

"Well...why'd you kiss him?"

"I don't know!" I paused,"that's the point. I didn't feel myself at the time."

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