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//Later at Santa Monica Pier//
Brooke's POV:

"I miss you baby," I whispered with a smile.

Me and Jack are facetiming.

"I miss you too darling," he responds with a kissy face.

"I wish you were here," I say with a pouty face.

"Don't worry, when I get back we'll have a special night, just you and me," he smirks.

"Uhhhhhh," Taylor groans, "can you guys shut the fuck up and stop being so cute?"

"Rude," I say while rolling my eyes and focus back on Jack.

"Well I should go."

"Okay, love you babygirl."

"Love you too, see you when you get back."


I hung up and got up outta my chair.

"Fuck you Taylor," I chuckled and punched him in his shoulder.

He started laughing.

"Damn I'm Mr.StealYoGirl, Johnson needs to watch out cuz she's already wanting to fuck me," he smirks.

That earned him another punch in the shoulder.

"Dumbass," I mumbled while smiling at how stupid he was being.

"Where to next?" Sam asks.

"ICE CREAAAMMMM," Shawn shouts and starts jumping up and down like a 5 year old.

If I learned one thing about Shawn, it's that he loves going to Soda Jerks to get ice cream.

"Noooo," Aaron whined, "I wanna go to the beach."

"I'll come with you," I say and walk over next to Aaron.

"Me too," Taylor joined.

"Ayeeee turn up," I cheer and high five Taylor and Aaron.

"IT'S LIT," Taylor yells.

Me & Aaron laugh.

"We'll be down there in a bit," Matt tells us, "be safe."

"No promises," I respond and start walking away with a giggle.

As we're walking, Aaron jumps on my back out of nowhere lol.

He caught me off gourd so we almost fell but I gained my balance real quick.

"So are you guys going to the party tonight?" Taylor asked.

"Yep," Aaron responds right away.

"Party? What party," I ask with a confused look on my face.

"Lauren Elizabeth's."

"Ohhhh yea, I'm going. That's tonight right?" I finally answer.

I barely know her but was invited...only because I'm Matt Espinosa's sister.

I was watching her YouTube videos the other day and she seems cool.

"Yep, at 8."


Okay, don't do anything stupid Brooke.

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