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3 Days Later//
Brooke's POV:

Me and Taylor are going to get some breakfast at IHOP.

That place is my life...besides pizza...and Netflix.

He's slouched over in his seat, half asleep and looks a little dead.

Taylor has been trying so hard to keep my thoughts positive.

He's doing great actually.

We're together like 24/7.

Jack still hasn't talked to me.

I don't blame him.

Miss him, though...I really miss him.

"HERE," I screamed obnoxiously.

He jumped in his seat, looked at me, and flipped me off.

I laughed and got out of the car, him doing the same, then went into IHOP.

The waiter seated us and took our orders.

Pancakes and an omelette for me of course.

He got something so complicated I don't even know what it's called.

Our food came fast though and we started eating right away with our hungry selves.

"Anything you wanna talk about?" Taylor asked me.

"Unicorns," I responded and took a bite of my pancakes.

"Perfect," he said sarcastically, "I love talking about those."

"I don't know, I'm not a very good conversation person," I told him with a slight laugh.

"Me either," he agreed, "I'm more of a less talk, more action kind of guy."

"Taylor!" I chuckled at his stupidity.

He laughed with me.

"You are something else."

"We should go, I have a plan," he suggested.

"Yay! That means you're driving," I cheered and threw him the keys before he could decline.

In the Car//

"ALL MY FRIENDS ARE WAISTED," I sang loudly to 'All My Friends' by Tinashe and Chance the Rapper.

Best. Song. Ever.

"Sing with me," I begged and shook his shoulders.

"And I hate this club, Man I drink too much," he joined.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see him staring at me with pure laughter.

"Another Friday nigh-TAYLOR"

All I heard was skidding of cars and a crash before I blacked out.

Obstacles♡-Jack Johnson FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now