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Brooke's POV:
{2 Months Later}

Stop chasing him.

Gilinsky told me.

So that's exactly what I did.

It's been two months and me and Jack haven't talked at all.

And it's been two months since I found out my bestfriend died 5 feet away from me...

//Flashback to Being Told Taylor Died//
I'm finally back at home with the boys.

All but one. Taylor's still at the hospital and I'm pissed the boys won't let me see him yet.

They say I'm not strong enough to see him.


We were all sitting in the living room together, except Jack of course. I have no idea where he is.

"When Can I see Taylor?" I asked.

"When I think you're ready," Matt answered quickly.

"This isn't fair!" I responded.

"Life's not fair," he snapped back.

I got up to go put my shoes on.

"Where are you going?" he asked me and got up too.


"TAYLOR'S DEAD BROOKE," Carter yelled.

I looked at Carter, then Matt.

He had worry in his eyes.

Did I hear him correctly?

Taylors d-dead...

I ran upstairs into Matt's room, locked the door and laid on his bed.

I had no emotion right now, just staring at the ceiling.

He can't be dead, Carters lying. He has to be!

He hadn't even lived yet. Life was just getting started for him.

We always talked about takin a trip to Hawaii, and we planned on going in 2 months.

Taylor is my bestfriend, he's been through a lot with me, helped me through a lot of shit...

and now he's just gone.

Just like that.

I'm now crying, a lot.

"It should've been me," I kept repeating to myself,"It should've been me."

I punched the wall and screamed.

There was a knock on the door and I sat down on the bed again.

"Go away," I said calmly.

"Brooke please let me in," the voice begged."

I got up and unlocked the door. It was Carter.

He looked at me with kind of a scared mixed with sorry look.

"I shouldn't have told you like that," he apologized,"it's just hard on us you know?"

"Damn right."

This is the most painful good bye...it was never said and never explained.

I moved out of the Magcon boy's house and got an apartment with Andrea.

Kian and Andrea broke up a couple days ago.

She's a wreck right now.

The last two days she hasn't moved from the couch, only to use the bathroom and get food.

I say fuck boys and let's take a trip to Hawaii...but I'm too broke for that.

The door bell rang.

"Coming!" I yelled and ran to do the door.

I opened it and my mood instantly changed.

"What do you want?" I snapped at him.

"Nice to see you too," he smiled.

"What do you want?" I repeated.

"I-I miss you okay."

"Yea right," I said and rolled my eyes.

"What's your problem with me?" he asked, almost yelling.

"You broke my relationship Sam!" I yelled at him.

"That was almost three months ago," Sam argued.

I didn't say anything I just stared into his eyes.

"Oh," he realized,"you still love him don't you?"

I waited a couple of moments to respond.

"I don't care about much anymore..But there's always him. I will always care about him. I for sure do love him," I paused,"but it's the hardest thing. Giving up on someone because they've given up on you."

Sam looked confused.

"You think Johnson's give up on you?" he asked with a weird expression on his face.

"It's okay, Gilinsky told me everything."

"Do you actually think Gilinsky would try and hurt you like that? Who do you think made him say that? That was the furthest your brother had gone but I made him stop. I didn't know he was gonna make Gilinsky say those things or I would've stopped that too," he told me.


My own brother...

He made Gilinsky say all that stuff to me.

What a joke.

"Does Johnson stil-"

"He talks about you everyday. Not a moment goes by when he's not thinking about you."



Sam ended up realizing Brooke was truly in love with Jack so he moved on. He found another girl who had taken his heart...Andrea. Johnson and Brooke ended up back together and are stronger than ever.

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