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Me and Kacey were having a pillow fight.

Angela went in.

"Hi, Angela."

I giggled because Kacey was taking a new pillow.

Angela didn't answer me.


She still wouldn't answer.

"I don't want to talk with you, Mia."


Kacey jumped in.

"Ssh, the princess doesn't want to be disturbed."

Kacey was drunk, but so was I.

We two laughed hard.

"Both of you, shut up. And turn off the movie."


"Turn it off!"

"Yes, sir."

Kacey said and made the a salut.

The day after, Kacey left early.

Her classes starts before cause she choses medicine.

"Do you want to talk now... Or what?"

"Mia, how could you?


"How could you be more friends with her than with me?"

"How, why do you know that?"

"I stole your diary."

"You're such a bitch! That's private.!"

"How could you write : Kacey feels almost like a sister. Like a sister, Mia! I'm more close to being your stepsister."

I looked ashamed.

"I hate you, Mia Meller."

I started sobbing.

"Why? Am I not allowed to have a social life except with you?"

"Calling her a sister."

Apparently Kacey had walked in, without we noticing.

"I knew you were a false bitch, Angela."


"No, Mia!

She will not call you a bitch for being friends with me."

"You're the bitch, you took my friend."

"She doesn't belong to you."

"Stop it both of you."

"Mia, I hope you're happy.

I'm leaving this dorm."

Kacey assured me that I didn't need her.

But I miss Angela.

I really do.

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