Ch8: Advice and Rock Band

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Hi everyone! I have some great ideas coming and I'm so excited to write about it! Hazzabelle is going to come together soon!! Oh and sorry if I mix up the words 'mum' with 'mom' and 'football' with soccer...I don't live in the UK, I live in North America so yeah..I try to remember but sometimes I forget..SORRY! And sorry if I get other facts wrong, like how school works there.


Chapter 8: Advice & Rock Band

Harry's POV  

Why was I so stupid! Why was I so stupid! Why did I have to take Izzy's hands from her face and hold them while staring in her eyes. Why did I lean in?!? Ugh! I am so angry with myself! I really like Izzy, I guess I couldn't control myself. I just wanted to kiss her right then and there. But what if Emma didn't interrupt? Would we have kissed? I am actually kind of thankful Emma came. But the whole day was do awkward with Iz after our moment. Ugh! And I know exactly why! She doesn't like me! That's why she was being awkward too. That's why she wanted to leave right after Emma came! I don't know what to do! Finally the last bell of the day rings signaling school is over.

Gathering my things, I suddenly get a bunch of butterflies in my stomach. I mentally face palm myself. How can I forget?!? Its football tryouts now! Ahhh! I have to get in the team! I will cry if I don' jokes, I won't but I would be very sad. I quickly walk to my locker to put my books away and to get my football stuff that I need. I spot Liam a few metres away from me so I quickly shut my locker and run to him. I need advice about Izzy, real bad! Liam knows that I fancy her. Liam is my best mate here in London and I totally trust him! It's like we have been best mates for so long now. He's cool, nice, gives great advice, chill and funny. I finally catch up to Liam.

"Hey mate!" I pat his shoulder.

"I have to tell you something. It's really important." I whisper in his ear.

"Hey and uhh sure, what is it?" He whispers back but looks at me confused. Probably because I am whispering and I have something really important to say. So I tell Liam what happened. How Izzy sat besides me under the tree, she called me 'Hazzie', I say I like the nickname. Izzy covering her face and how I removed her hands and we stared at each other for a long time and me leaning in right when Emma comes. Then how it was awkward between me and Iz after that.

"Wow mate." Liam says right when we reach the boys change room in the gym.

Liam's POV

"Wow mate" I say when we reach the boys change room. I know why she is being awkward around Harry. She told me during science. She is confused. She doesn't know what happened when Harry started leaning in. She thinks he doesn't like her. She thinks he likes someone else. But I can't tell Harry that Izzy likes him. They have to figure it out themselves. Plus, I promised them both I won't tell anyone about their feelings. I want to say it so bad, but I can't.

"Knowing Izzy, it's probably because she is confused." That's all I say. It's true and I didn't say that Izzy fancies him. So that was perfect what I said! I give myself a high five mentally in my head.

"Confused about what?" Harry says as we change into a different shirt and gym shorts.

"About what happened. Your 'moment'" I say while putting air quotes around 'moment'. Harry looks like he understands and we start putting on our football cleats.

"So what do I do then." Harry looks up at me from his cleats.

"Well since you already kind of made a move. You can't stop there. If you do, then it will still be awkward between you two." We finish putting on my shoes and stand up. I look at Harry, "You have to show her you like her." I smile. They will be cute together!

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