Ch25: I'm done, Styles

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Drama alert!

Okay so  I wrote this chapter 3 times total! Right when I finished writing this chapter my phone turned off randomly and I lost half of the chapter. I am so annoyed with my phone. So then I rewrote the half the chapter that got lost. But then my phone is so stupid that it deleted the whole chapter....oh my god. I was so annoyed. So now this is the 3rd time I wrote it.

Sorry for the long A/N.

Hope you like it! It took me forever!


Chapter 25: I'm done, Styles

Harry's POV

"Good morning, mate." Liam says in the bed besides mine. I look at my phone and see it is only 7 in the morning.

"Good morning." I reply back while stretching. Niall comes out from the washroom with his hair wet and in his clothes for today. Louis goes into the bathroom next. I am guessing Liam is already ready for the day and Zayn is still asleep on his bed. "So what is the plan for today?" I ask while sitting up.

"Well we have to go to the dining hall for breakfast at 8:30 that lasts for one hour. Then after that we have free time for an hour. After that we have a scavenger hunt from 10:30 to 11:30. After that is lunch but the boys have to help set up the tables while the girls have a bit of free time. Then after lunch the girls clean up and we have a bit of free time. From 1:30 to 5:00 we have football tournaments. After that is dinner then free time until 10 o'clock." Wow I am impressed that Liam had that all memorized.

"Sounds fun!" Football tournaments for the whole afternoon. Sweet! I get up from my bed and go to the bathroom once Louis comes out. I say good morning to all of them on the way excluding Zayn, since he is still sleeping. Once in the washroom I brush my teeth and change into navy blue shorts and a white shirt.

"Want to play truth or dare?" Louis screams once I exit the washroom.

"Yes!" Me, Niall and Liam agree. All four of us sit in a circle.

"Okay, Liam. Truth or dare?" Louis starts. Liam looks up at the ceiling with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Dare." Louis smirks and Liam widens his eyes in fear. I chuckle.

"I dare you to go to the cabin next to us and knock on their door without getting caught." Louis pulls a smug face. Without a word Liam goes out of the cabin and runs to the cabin to our right. He quickly knocks on the door three times then runs back in our cabin just in time someone in the other cabin opens the door and looks around. We all burst out in laughter.

"Oh my god, good one, Liam!" Niall says in between laughter. Zayn wakes up from the noise we made and goes into the washroom to freshen up.

"Okay, Harry mate. Truth or dare?" Hmm..well I am too lazy to get up so I simply chose truth. "Do you like Nikki?" What?!? Is that seriously his question?

"Well just as a friend. She is really nice and all but I can never see her as more than a friend. Plus I love Izzy, she is my world." I say truthfully while looking at my friends. Zayn joins us and they all look at me like they want to say something but end up not saying a peep. "Ermm..." Well this is a bit awkward. "Zayn, truth or dare?" I decide to continue the game.

"Dare" He says proudly. I smirk at him.

"I dare you to run into the ocean and get full on soaked." Zayn widens his eyes.

"Hell no!" He screams.

"Sorry, mate, you have to." Liam encourages Zayn. Zayn gets up and takes off his shirt then goes into the washroom to change into his swim shorts. Zayn exits the cabin and runs into the water. We all laugh while watching him. After a few seconds he comes back full on soaked.

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