Ch33: Being Tough

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Hello everybody! Yes, I did change the title of the story. I found that the previous title was too cliché like and it didn't really match to the story.


Chapter 33: Being Tough

Izzy's POV


I slam my hand down on my alarm clock to make it shut up. Today is Thursday. Just 2 more days until the weekend. I shift around in my bed and there is strangely more room. Did I get a bigger bed? Suddenly memories from last night replay in my head. It takes everything I've got to stop myself from breaking down and cry. I get up in my bed and head into the washroom. Harry's toothbrush is still here. I feel a tear roll down my cheek and I hastily wipe it away. I peel off from my clothes and go into the shower. Once finished I change into a simple blue and white stripped shirt and black jeans. I put on my back combat boots and tie my hair back into a pony tail. Once when I head down stairs I go into the kitchen and make myself some coffee and eat a blueberry muffin.

The house is so quiet you can hear a pin drop. There is no Harry waking up besides me, no Harry saying 'Good morning', no Harry drinking tea at the table across from me. I sigh. I am blaming those annoying kids in my class for this to happen. I remember the plan Eleanor told me about yesterday and I love it. I actually think it is going to work. I stayed up past midnight preparing for it. Today is going to be a new tougher Izzy. By the end of the class they are going to stop taking back and giving me a load of stress. I am going to come home with a smile on my face, until I realise Harry is not here... But after I sort everything out with my class, hopefully me and Harry will sort things out. I am keeping me fingers crossed on that.

After I finish eating I grab my stuff and head out the door and into my car. Once when I get to school I go to the office to get my mail and greet the other staff. Today is day 4 meaning that I have the horrible class second period. I go to my room and prepare everything for the math class ahead.


"Good morning class." I say with a smile to my horrible class. Let's just hope that this plan works. I get nothing in response so I continue talking. "Did everyone do last night's homework?" I scan all the teenagers in my class. I get my folder and start going around the class checking if they did their homework.

There are the 7 girls in the back with their feet up on the tables and talking like they are at home. The good students are sitting at the front and the boys are in the middle of the class paying attention. As I go around the class room, most of the kids have their work done. Even some of the boys did. As I reach the back of the class I know this is where the plan will start to go into play.

"Girls get you binders out. Did any of you do last nights homework?" I look at the 7 girls.

"Why would I do the homework? It's pointless and a waste of time. I have a life you know." Ashley says. I mark down in my folder that she didn't do the homework.

"Well I would suggest doing the homework if you want to pass this course. It is no problem for me, it will be easier to give you a mark if I you have all zeros." I say to Ashley. "London, did you do your homework?" I turn my body to face her. She just shrugs her shoulders and puts her feet up on the desk. "Please put your feet down, this is not your home." I give her a strict face. She just laughs with her friends and they all put their feet up on the desk and start talking with each other like I am not there. They are getting on my nerves! But I keep my face straight to show them they are not affecting me. I decide this is where the plan comes into play. I head back to the front of the class and face the students.

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