Ch24: Jealousy

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Sorry it took so long to update. I was watching so many videos of danisnotonfire and amazingphil on YouTube. Check out their channels, they are hilarious and so nice! Dan and Phil are also radio presenters on Radio 1 every Sundays! I love them so much! Now I want to move to London, England even more!


Chapter 24: Jealousy

Izzy's POV

The five of us make our way to the center of the field for the lunch barbecue feast. All the year 10's are there. There is music blasting from huge speakers and the counselors are barbecuing chicken. There is a big table beside the barbecue with plates, cups, utensils, napkins, drinks, chips, cookies, salad, fried, BBQ chicken, rice, bread and so much more. This is heaven. There are people who are dancing and singing to the music and there are people eating while sitting with their friends. We gather around near the speakers where there is a mini stage and the head councilor does a little introduction.

"Lets eat!" Emma grabs mine and Perrie's arm. We all dance while walking to the table and fill up our plates. The counselors put chairs and tables up to sit down.

"Want to sit on the table or..?" I trail off. We could sit on the grass under the tree. I look at the girls and they shrug. We just walk to the table and start stuffing our faces.

"Mmm...this is so good!" Eleanor and Lexi moans.

"It is." Emma says while looking like she is in heaven. I laugh. We continue laughing and talking.

"Uhh..Izzy?" Perrie asks. I look up from my food to look at her gorgeous eyes. "You're still dating Harry right?" I nod my head and look back down at my food. I push the rice around in my plate. "Why is he eating with Nikki then?" She nods to the table behind me. I turn around and sure enough he is eating lunch with Nikki two tables back. It is like I don't even exist. This is not what I wanted from this.

"It's complicated." Lexi saves me. I give her a small smile.

"Hey Ellie!" Louis comes and kissed Eleanor on the check. They are so cute. Niall, Zayn and Liam also come with their food and join our table.

"Hey gorgeous." Zayn greats Perrie.

"Missed you, Lex. How are you?" Liam sits besides Lexi.

"Hey beautiful." Niall greets Emma. I honestly don't know why they aren't together already. Like seriously, they act like they are. Great, so everybody is paired up and I am just here. Harry is suppose to be sitting besides me right now. But no, he is with Nikki. I don't think I can stand this anymore. I just want to go to Nikki and tell her to go take a hike then tell Harry that I don't want him hanging out with Nikki anymore. I hear Nikki laughing to something Harry said. My blood is now boiling with rage. I feel like I am going to explode!

"Hey, shh. Please. Just forget about them." Emma tells me. She starts rubbing circles on my back so I am calm down a bit. I look up and see the guys looking at me like they feel sorry for me but can't do anything about it. Which they can't. Even El and Perrie are giving me the same look. Their boyfriends must have told them. But I don't mind that they did.

"We can move if they really are bothering you." Eleanor says in her thick British accent.

"No it's okay. I'm better now." I try to give them a reassuring smile. But I think it just turned out looking like I am in pain. Because I am. I sigh. I continue eating the delicious food but stop since I lost my appetite. Everyone at the table is talking all together about how exciting this week will be and what we are going to do as the week passes.

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