Chapter Four

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They all came at the hospital when night came. They even accompanied me to go home when I went out of the hospital. They were all worried but I said that I'm already fine even though my head still hurts some times. Momoi, Aomine, Kuroko, and Kise gave mw fruits... I'm not sick for them to give me fruits, I'm injured. I don't need nutritious foods. They're so dumb. Sushi-chan gave me sweets... He's planning to give me diabetes, he gave me too much sweets. Then Akashi gave me more flowers. It's red tulip. I know it's just nothing too but he said that red tulips mean undying love. I think I knew that from a book... I think it's Evermore? Whatever.

But Akashi gave me love. That's enough. Heihi.

It was Sunday yesterday so I decided to buy something for Shinta-kun. I dunno what to buy but an idea popped in my head.

Lucky Item.

I called Momoi to come and help me buy tomorrow's lucky item. Since I'm going to her house, I decided to go out with her. Since this girl has informations... we knew what tomorrow's lucky item is. (a/n: not a fan of lucky items and something like that so I dunno how to handle this topic. Hehe. Sorry if there's something wrong.)

Yeah I bought it... it is something that's scary but cute. I didn't know things like that existed but I remembered Tazmanian. He's cute isn't it? And it's kinda scary too, right? Hehe. I bought a small Tazmanian bag for Shinta-kun. Will he use it or not? (*imagining Midorima with a Tazmanian backpack*) I laughed to myself. Would Shinta-kun like it or not? Haha. Hope he uses this or else I just wasted money.

I clutched the paper bag close to my chest as I walk down the street to my school. The sweets for Sushi-chan was inside my bag and I hope it wouldn't melt. But what if Akashi shows up and goes near my bag? He'll melt it with his hotness... LOL. This is how your life is when your imaginations is just so... erm... TOO wild. Haha.

"Dai-chan! Hurry up! We'll be late already!" A familiar voice shouted infront of Aomine's house.

I giggled, Momoi's ordering Aomine again... and as always... he's not obeying her. Such a hard-headed bluenette. Well, she's lying about the time... it's still early.

I walked towards Momoi to help her get Aomine's ass out of his house by making noise.

"You dumbass! Get out there already!" I shouted as I knocked on his gate.

"I tried that many times but... he's still not going out." Momoi said with a cute pout. Why is this pink haired girl with a big chest so cute whatever she is doing? Is it because of her chest? It's kinda insulting... I don't have a chest like that and it's kinda small. Argh! Why am I thinking about CHESTS? I'm thinking like Aomine already!

Wait... Chests... Aomine... Big chests... Wait...

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Oh damn it... I know now.

"Oi! Ahomine! Imma buy you three magazines of what you want! I'm not kidding! Just get the hell out of your house before we destroy your gate!" I shouted. Momoi's kinda shocked of what I said but she smiled and giggled as she says, "As always, you're so bright. He'll come out sooner or later.

Talking about... The door opened and a stupid guy came into our view while he scratches the back of his neck.

"Make that five or else I won't go out of that gate. Deal?" He bargained. Such a smart foolish guy. Wait.. that's contradicting.

"Fine. Deal." I replied with my arms crossed.

"If you won't keep your promise... Imma give you more head aches every practice." He pointed at me.

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