Chapter Six

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(a/n: I realized, I used "The Lonely King" when Akashi's supposed to be an Emperor. well, life. -_- Hehe. Hope you liked the new cover by the way. :D )

Oh my ghad. Thank God the examinations are finally over. Yay! Mr. eyebags can have a full rest now.

I walked inside my school. The exam's results will be shown outside our classrooms now.

It was so damn hard to go infront of the results, but I remembered that you should just let the crowd push you and you should just go with the flow... so hell yeah... fortunately, it was true.

I looked at the results...

Dear God, is this true?

I couldn't believe my eyes. Ghad... I can finally die now! I finally got into that number one spot!

"I have finally beaten Akashi Seijuro!" I shouted with my fist pumped up high.

Everyone stopped and stared at me when I did that act so I brought my hand down and bowed my head to hide the blush creeping on my face.

But... hell yeah. I finally got that spot... Finally. Now Akashi Seijuro... what would I want you to do for me? I am so gonna make your tasks hard. *Evil laugh*

"Narumi..." Oh, look who's here... my servant.

I turned around and looked at my red head servant with a devilish smile. The other students around moved aside and let the red emperor make his way to me.

"Oh, hi... A-ka-shi." I uttered his name syllable by syllable in a devilish way... (a/n: she didn't know she said A-ka-shi in a seductive way.)

"What is with you? You seem different." He asked. Staring at me curiously.

"See for yourself." I said and bowed mockingly like how a Butler makes way for their Master.

He moved his feet infront of the test results and looked up to see the number one spot.

1.) Sakurama Narumiko 

2.) Akashi Seijuuro 

3.) Midorima Shintaro

His eyes widened as he stared at it. It took a minute for him to snap out of his thoughts and stared at me with a satisfying shocked expression painted on his face.

"How the hell did you beat me?" He asked with in a joking manner. He is trying not to smile, "The me who is so smart and intelligent is beaten by a girl?" He couldn't stop his smile anymore as he showed me his perfect white teeth.

"Well, my eyebags sacrificed just to beat you... Akashi Seijuro." I joked back.

"Really, I couldn't believe it. You... Beat me? I didn't know there is someone smarter than me in this planet." He said as he comes closer to me, still with the smile in a joking manner.

"I stole your brain last night so this is the result." And then Kise and Aomine jumped infront of the test results.

We just stared at the two with a poler face. They're too noisy

"Oi! I'm higher than Kise!"

"No fair! Who taught you? Who is the nice humanoid that let you copy their answers?"

"I didn't copy from anyone... BAKA."

"Kise-kun, excuse me. I want to know my rank too." Kuroko said put of nowhere.

"Kuro-chin, I'll find it for you." Sushi-chan offered.

"Arigato gozaimasu."

"Waaaaaait! Can you see this-ssu?" Kise shouted as he pointed the nu,ber one spot.

♛ The Lonely King ♚ (Kuroko no Basuke FanFic - Akashi Seijuuro)Where stories live. Discover now