Chapter Five

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Tests... They're coming.

Dun dun dun dun dun dun... (a/n: jaws' soundtrack when the shark's near... [i'm scared of sharks. share. ahaha.])

Sigh... I'm walking on the way to my school now. I am sooooooooo tired. I studied all night long and didn't mind the time... suddenly, when I am just about to go to my bed...

my alarm rang. Damn. I didn't get any sleep at all. I wish I wouldn't faint later at school. I also hope that I wouldn't doze off while taking the tests or else I'll get zero. I simply don't want that to happen. I'm gonna die if that will happen.


"Sushi-chan!" I called out. Early in the morning and he is eating some... I mean, many sweets already. And some, other snacks.

"Naru-chin. Mr. Eyebags got bigger. Mr. Brain has enough knowledge already?" He asked. He is so cute when talking like this.

"Yeap. I hope Mr. Eyebags won't get bigger anymore. It makes me uglier." I sadly said with fake tears.

"*munch* Don't worry... You're still pretty, Naru-chin. *munch* Aka-chin sees you as a pretty girl even with Mr. Eyebags. So, it'a gonna be fine." He said it like he really cared about what I said.

I giggled and he looked at me.

"Why?" He tilted his head to the side. "N-Nothing. It's just that..." I jumped infront of him and reached for his cheeks. I pinched it a little since I can't reach it very well and said, "Thankyou! Sushi-chan!" with a big smile.

He smiled too. Heihi. Sushi-chan so cute! Lol.

"Oi! Murasakibaracchi and Narumikocchi~!" The blonde guy waved at us with his friggin big smile as always.

"Eh?! What's with the glasses today, Narumikocchi?" Kise asked as he goes infront of my face.

I pushed it up, "Well, today, we are having our test so I need to be focused. Don'tbyou know that I always have my glasses whenever we have tests?" I said with an educated tone like Kyoya Ootori's.

Well, it's like a tradition for me. Whenever I have my glasses on, I always have my composure even with the person who always breaks it into pieces named Akashi Seijuro. I dunno why I am doing it as my tradition... but... that's life. Hehe.

"I really don't get it." Kise said cowardly.

"I don't get it myself." I said as I sighed.

"*munch munch* Mm?" Sushi-chan asked me if I want some, since I'm too stressed... I got one and thanked him.

"Oh! The nerd and girly Naru is here now?" Stupid Aomine said with his usual annoying grin on his friggin face.

"Hell yeah... but the boyish will come out sooner or later if you piss me off." I said with a death stare. He just scoffed.

"Dai-chan! Meanie! Why did you ran away so fast?" Momoi shouted as she catches up to us.

Aomine whistled an there. Their cute fight has just began.

Momoi hitting Aomine with her bag and Aomine saying sorry with a teasing smile.

They look like couple. Wahaha.

We walked to school while laughing at Momoi and Aomine who is still fighting.

We decided to do a group study since it is still early.

We went to the library after we left our bags at our respective classrooms.

Of course, we studied.

♛ The Lonely King ♚ (Kuroko no Basuke FanFic - Akashi Seijuuro)Where stories live. Discover now