Chapter Sixteen

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(( Hi... this chap would probably be predictable... and this is a short one ^^ and forgive me if Akashi would appear like a lil' psycho here xD I still love him lol... also... this is a messy chap. Bow... tie xD ))

What... Happened again? Akashi thought to himself.

Pieces of memories kept on coming inside his head...

Murasakibara almost defeating him on their one-on-one match...

Letting the GOM members not to practice if they don't want to...

Erasing the word teamwork on the GOM's vocabulary...

Dismissing the basketball team...

Narumi staying...

Narumi talking to her...

Narumi crying infront of him...

Narumi saying sorry when she did nothing wrong...

Narumi running away...

Narumi getting wet because of the rain...

Narumi ran away and he never tried to pursue her...




It's all about Narumi! Narumi. Narumi. Narumi!

And it's also because of Naru when that guy talked to you...

About opposing you~ Another voice talked inside his head.

Huh? Oppose me?

Yes. Someone is planning on opposing you and he is on the way to get the girl who never gets tired of running inside your mind away from you.

Don't mess with me. No one can ever dare do that. I'll go apologize to Narumi.

Do as you please... Mighty Emperor.

Shut up...

And after that, Akashi moved his feet towards the outside... Decided to talk to Naru and apologize. He knows it isn't easy because he has said too much to her. I mean, the other him said too much that he doesn't even want to say.

He slipped his jacket on his slender arms and took the black umbrella on top of the bench.

He opened the door silently and looked around. Guessing which place Narumi would be staying at the moment. He sighed as he opened the umbrella and let his instincts take him to where it thinks Narumi is.

He found himself walking down on a straight path and saw the soon to be demolished building. It's just near at the gym and when you're at the gym, when you looked outside, it's visible on your perspective.

He didn't mind the building and looked at the soccer field at the side, thinking that Narumi would be staying there and letting the rain pour down on her.

"She said she likes the rain..." He whispered to himself as he tucked his free hand inside the pocket of his jacket.

He sighed and a cloudy thingy appeared before his face.

(( dunno how to describe that, anyone who can suggest? ))

"Well checking this building wouldn't kill, right?" He turned to go inside since he also know that Naru likes to be alone inside a peaceful and quiet building like this one.

He walked straight ahead because he also know that Naru is lazy enough to walk in different path ways.

He has his eyes closed as he breathed in and out and opened them when the directions are only left or right.

He peeked at the right side and saw nothing. He peeked at the left side and saw...

"Naru..." He just saw Narumi, "...-mi?" And she was just about to kiss another guy.

What's worse is that the guy is someone he treats as his comrade.

Narumi has tears in her eyes and she was locked inside his arms so she couldn't move. She is not resisting or fighting back.

And as he move closer to her face to kiss her...


Is she cheating on him? Is she disgusted with him when he almost lost in a one-on-one match? Does she see him as a weak person? Why is she leaving him? Is she breaking her promise to never leave his side? Did she lied when she promised that?

Do she still love him?

Will she kiss the other guy?

Smile... and wait for what will happen next.


WHY YOU SO SERIOUS?! KEEP CALM OKAY? XDDD and sorry for the bold eklavoo and italic chu chu xD bye

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