Chapter Twenty-Six

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Kuroko and Ogiwara met once again. Carrying the promise they made to each other to meet one another at the finals in their hearts.

Nationals has started. Teikou was feared by every team and they astonished the media.

The team passed by Ogiwara's team and Ogiwara was about to greet Kuroko but then he stopped on his tracks, seeing how his bestfriend's expression was like.

Kuroko doesn't look happy.

Teiko's first match was with Hiramine and the coach told them to give it their all. It was the first time they fought in a match with all their strength and it was terrifying.

Their own coach even doubted himself if he was still needed in a team like this when thy have 5 skilled players that is unstoppable and an absolute captain that commands them.

Teikou's matches were all won like they were just breathing air to feed their lungs oxygen. The team's matches were played like how they did last time, playing against one another to know who earns the most points and toys with their opponents.

While Meiko, which is Ogiwara's team, works hard to earn a ticket to the play offs.

Then in a snap, the third day, the final day of the Nationals arrived...

Meiko was in a pinch but they managed to win their second to the last match. The match before championship. The match before they face Teikou.

"I did it, Kuroko." Was what Ogiwara thinking. The time has finally came for them to fulfill their promise.

Kuroko witnessed Meikou's victory with Narumiko. Narumiko was happy for the two and Kuroko felt relieved.

"So... You and your bestfriend will finally face one another, nee?" Narumiko said to Kuroko as they walked to fetch some drinks.

The phantom looked at her straight in the eyes and said, "Yes. Our promise would finally be completed." Narumiko saw fire in his eyes and she smiled.

They stopped at the hallway where the vendo machines were and Kuroko got two drinks for the both of them.

Narumiko jumped infront of him and said, "Do your best later, okay?"

"Hai. That goes with no saying." Kuroko said with determination in his voice.

Narumiko smiled and leaned on the wall, but she wasn't really feeling happy about it. She was a great actress after all. She's always hiding her true feelings.

Like when Akashi passes by, she would pretend like she's not shaken by his completely different prescence and would even smile at him and greet him like how a normal manager would do. When Akashi acts like they didn't had a past with each other, she feels pain but she pushes the thought aside and does the right thing.

She's been acting like a normal manager of the team and pretends she only cares about the abilities and plays of the team but deep inside, she was afraid of the team. She's afraid of the memebers of the Generation of Miracles.

She smiles and supports the team, but... she feels lonely. Especially when Akashi left her and didn't even left a trace of their relationship.

She's lonely... Just like Kuroko.

"I'm scared..." She whispered unconsciously to herself with her head hung low. She said it once more and this time, it was loud enough for Kuroko to 8hear.

Kuroko looked at her and went closer to her as he grabbed her shoulders in his hands. "Narumiko-san?" He called out but Narumiko only stared at the ground.

"Narumiko-san?" Kuroko gently shook Narumiko and his voice was louder, trying to get back Naru into her senses.

"Narumi--" Kuroko tried to call her once again but Narumiko already moved.

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