Chapter Twenty-Four

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(( A: Hi there~ Good to be back again...? Lol nah~ Sorry to disappoint you people ))

"Why..." Kuroko's voice fell but still tried to speak up, "Are you saying that there is nothing more important than winning?" He said with his head hung low.

Akashi stared at him, like he's trying to understand his question as he said, "Yes, nothing. It's Teikou's philosophy, isn't it? It was 'To always win'."

Kuroko didn't answer immediately so Akashi spoke again, "For you to be whining at me like that gives me a head ache." He sighed and continued, "I can only conclude that you aren't even sufficiently aware of what is happening. You won't be able to change anything with your low level of understanding."

Kuroko looked up and met Akashi's eyes as the red head said, "A vague question like that won't bring you anywhere."

Kuroko felt like he was slapped with the truth. His head as low again as he spoke up with a shaky voice, "Maybe..." He choked, "Maybe what you said was real."

He took a deep breath and said, "For one to grow, you need to accept the changes," He stated like he was saying it to himself. "However, I just want to go back to those times before we won the championship." He finished.

That was what he wanted. The life they were having before everything changed. When everything was normal. When the Generation of miracles was still a team. When they were still friends.

Akashi just stared with that composed look of his. He closed his eyes and sighed, "If you want to leave the club... I won't stop you." The red head said.

The shorter guy's head shot up and stared at his captain's eyes, begging to see hope in the other person's eyes, just a little bit would do.

"But if you'd be able to accept reality and wanted to stay," Akashi said and the other person waited for him to continue, "That also depends on you. But that is..."

Kuroko bit the inside of his lip, knowing what the next words of his captain would be.

"That's only if you still want to stay as the team's Phantom sixth man."


The days passed by and many has changed. Kise doesn't mind of basketball practice anymore and he'd attend to photoshoots even if they have practice on that day. Aomine goes to the rooftop to cut in classes and even practices. Murasakibara just goes home and goes somewhere he can have fun on practice hours. Akashi was always interviewed by someone. Either prestigious schools or the media. It's just Midorima who almost stayed the same. He still attends practice and does his shooting routine. Narumiko wasn't seen everyday on practice because she's usually absent.

Kuroko decided to stay on the team as the phantom sixth man, but is he happy being in the team?

~ ~ ~

Matches came and they play like there's no "mercy" in their vocabularies. Murasakibara blocks shoots from the inside and guards the place under the ring securely. Midorima shoots his threes with no chance in failing his shots. He unbelievably makes all his shots in a half court. Aomine was unstoppable as always and makes his formless shots. Kise copies moves from his opponents and he even makes it better. Akashi commands what they should do on court and shoots some threes too as a point guard.

Kuroko goes out of the court when a starter player needs to rest and he has this empty expression. His heart is also feeling empty.


Kuroko was walking down the hallway to go home when someone called out to him, "Tetsu-kun!"

He paused on his steps and turned to see who was it calling him.

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