Chapter Twenty-Two

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(( WARNING: UNEDITED and super crappy. Sorry. My mind is not working. If I got to the good part of the story again, I'll try not to write in an idiotic way ))

"Aka..." She whispered, "...shi?"

Her head is in a mess right now.

Really messy. She is confused about what happened.

She just over heard their conversation. It was just a conversation. That conversation is nothing shocking at all in this time of her life because everything is so unpredictable... but what shocked her the most and made her legs tremble and what brought her to her knees were...

Those cat like heterochromatic eyes.

One red, in a color of human blood and another one golden yellow.

Their gazes met once. Kuroko noticed that Akashi was staring at something so he turned to see who he was lookin at.

When Kuroko saw her, he spoke, "Narumiko..."

She would always remember how shivers ran down her spine when she stared into his eyes.

She would also never forget how those eyes glared at her.

If only stare could kill, she should've been dead on the spot.

It was also a glare that she's not even familiar of.

She was thinking... 'It... it's not Akashi's. Those eyes... it's not his eyes. It... it's... He... He's not Akashi. That guy is not Akashi. He's not the person I love. He's not the person who I vowed at. He is not the person I know. He is someone else.

Where is Akashi?'

Those things are the only ones that are in her head right now.

Akashi moved a foot to step forward and she gasped. He was headed towards her. She feels like a normal person hiding behind a buildin and there is a titan after her.

She feels like a squirrel being cornered by the king of the jungle.

She was leaning on the door frame so she was blocking the way out.

She stood up to let Akashi pass.

He glared at her again.

He was giving off a strong aura of being high and mighty.

He feels so absolute.

And absolute emperor.

He passed through her and didn't say a word.

She thought twice if she would reach out and talk to him.

She bit her lip and it had a little wound.

She can taste her own blood.

She hurried off to hold Akashi's arms as she called out, "Akashi."

He paused from walking and glared at her again.

"Akashi... what happened? What are you saying to Kuroko?" She questioned.

He scoffed and said, "You heard it right? Don't ask me what's obvious." He said and tried to walk off again but Narumiko blocked his way this time.

She spread her arms wide as she said, "Akashi... Please, tell me what is happening."

Akashi walked towards her and stopped near her right arm. She brought her arms down as Akashi placed a hand over her right shoulder.

"I don't have to clear out what happened to you." He whispered near her ear.

She lost her hope. But she tried to push her question.

"But Akash--" Akashi pushed her down to the floor. (( Like what he did to Kagami Taiga ))

Now she was shocked again because Akashi would never try to do that to her... but he did. Just right now.

She felt her heart be broken into pieces.

Her heart is gone and now all she feels is numbness.

"Narumiko!" Kuroko hurried beside her.

"I told you I don't need to say anything to you." He looked down on her.

"Know your place."

That phrase again.

She wasn't hurt.

She didn't feel happy.

Kuroko was trying to get her back to her senses as Akashi walks away.

But... She's numb. And feeling cold.

She doesn't know anything anymore.

What is left for her to do?

Go and hang herself?

Cut a vein on her wrist or neck?

Overdose herself?

That sounds too dramatic.

But what can she do?

There is one thing...



(( okay this is not yet the end people nyahahaha wrong AN at the prev chap. Well... 3 more chaps or 4 or 1 or more ahahhaha xD bye bye ))

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