Chapter Twenty

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(( Domo~ sorry late update humanoids. Well, I think there would be some chaps added bc Kuroko and uhh... the mighty bestfriend of his... uhh... Ogiwara Shigehiro(?) anyways... till next UNEDITED UPDATE ))

[Naru's POV:]

I've ran off from that building to somewhere I am not even familiar of.

Then I saw some basketball members so I went towards them.

I stopped infront of a upperclass member, "Senpai, have you seen Akashi?" I asked and took a deep breath.

"Oi... You're wet because of the rain! Here..." He said and threw a towel on my head. "Also... here's a shirt if you want to go change." He said and reached out a plain white shirt.

"No need senpai, thanks for the towel." I said and panted.

"As for your question... I think Akashi-kun is still inside the gym." He said and sighed.

My eyes brightened up when I heard where Akashi is.

I smiled and bowed my head, "Thank you so much, senpai!" I turned around and tried to ran off towards the gym but he called out my name, "Narumiko..."

I turned to look at him again, "Ahh... I don't know why I called you out. I'm sorry." He said and scratched the back of his neck.

I giggled and said, "No problem, senpai."

I turned around again but even before I took a step...

"Ne... It seems like Akashi-kun is not the Akashi-kun we know."

My heart beated and thumped loud in my ears.

That... is something I am aware of.

But... No. That Akashi, is still that Akashi we know. And he is still the person I love.

I say that to myself. But even I, myself, doubt what I am thinking of.

I wanted to believe in what I am saying but...



"Well, that's all. I hope your conversation with him will be a good one. Ja ne... Narumiko."

I turned my head to look at senpai again but he joined the other members already.

To be honest, I am also hoping that I would have a good conversation with him.

And I also hope he is still the Akashi I know.

That's all.


When I arrived at the gym, I used the back door to enter. I decided to enter at the back door so I won't be catching too much attention.

When I enter the back door, I'd be entering the locker room where Aomine ruined my moment with Akashi.

It's almost 7:30 pm so it's already quiet outside and all I can hear is my breathing and the loud beat of my heart.

I slowly opened the door. I worked my way inside, my feet producing some sounds as I walk nervously.

I paused at the bench where I sat and saw Akashi leaning on the wall with his eyes closed. I still remember that time when he is so damn unpredictable. He even kissed my forehead. That was the second time he did that.

I smiled and laughed a little at the thought.

This is where Aomine caught Akashi and I flirting.

I shook my head as I close my eyes with a smile.

I opened my eyes again and walked towards the door. There is some noise inside, something like a ball bouncing off from the hoop... is Akashi still practicing?

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