Chapter Nineteen

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He was sitting at the table as he playfully smiled and said, "Hi there... Seijuro." Tch... Why the heck did he appear right now?

"What do you want?" I asked and stood up from my chair.

Of all the places he'd pop up, why inside the locker room? Stupid.

He chuckled as he landed on his feet, "It should be me who'd ask that question, don't you think?"

"I don't want anything. So can you just disappear again?" I said and arranged my things. Trying to distract myself from talking to myself.

To myself. Literally.

"Cruel... Well, putting that aside," He walked towards me and stopped infront of me. Feels like I'm looking at a mirror.

"What?" I guess I have a hint of what he would say.

"You're in a big mess. Let me swap with you." And when he's about to touch me... I dodged it and glared at him. "Fuss off. I can take care of this mess right now... all by myself. Don't interfere."

"Can you just eat your pride?" He said as he sat down.

"Like hell I would do that." I said back. He's just in my mind. He is not real. I should stop this.

"You said you can handle this mess right?" He said so I raised a brow.

"But... You can't even handle the Generation of Miracles's members."

What? Is he slapping reality on my face right now?

"You couldn't even make a single thing to run your team." He mocked me.

"I was thinking about what to do--"

"Nope. They're breaking. The team is cracking like a glass and soon after some time, it'll crash to the ground and you couldn't do anything under your power to put it all right back into pieces." He said with no pauses.

I know that. But that is inevitable.

"I can handle it myself. I said it already." I said and glared.

"Handle it yourself? Are you joking?" He said and laughed a little bit, "How the heck would you expect me to believe you when I see your world crushing down? Disphit." He said.

"I don't need your insults in disguise of a help or sympathy." I said and held my head. It hurts...

It is beating like it would burst sooner or later.

"Oohh really? You're out of control right now~"He said in a sing-sang voice.

"So what is your purpose on telling me all of this which is I am already aware of?" I asked as I leaned on the wall and crossed my arms.

"I'm telling you that you are weak."

Weak. I am weak?

"What the heck did you just said? That's nonsense!" I am not weak.

"I am absolute." I added.

"Stop that, Seijuro. Well then, let me spell out the reality of you being weak." He said and stood up.

He went closer towards me again but I stood on my ground.

"Your team, if that can even be called as a team is now weak. You couldn't handle the sudden outburst of your teammates' skills. You can't control the GOM members without my help. Not to mention that purple head giant who opposed you today. You were almost defeated by someone under you and someone who was supposed to be kneeling infront of you. You only won that one on one match because you have me. Your girlfriend got stolen by that Atsushi. Your own girfriend left you... YOUR ONLY LOVED ONE LEFT YOU, FROM A WEAK COWARD, TO SOMEONE STRONGER AND SOMEONE WHO IS BRAVE ENOUGH TO COMPETE WITH THE MIGHTY EMPEROR WHO IS..." He pointed his finger at me, "YOU."

"You're a "not somebody important" or "not someone high and mighty" to her anymore..." He added as he wet closer to my face.

"What's worse is that you are not only like that to her..." He came closer to my ear and whispered, "You're considered as a weak coward by everyone right now... Because that is who you really are."

Weak? I... am... weak?

I slowly sat down on the floor and brought my hands up to my head.

I, Akashi Seijuro, is considered as a weakling... by everybody?

"STOP MESSING WITH ME!" I can't control myself now.

He is just someone in my sub concious. He is not real. This is just a dream, I have always believed that it was just me who is fooling myself but there are no evidences that he is not real but there are also no evidences that he is real.

But whatever he is, real or not real, he's taking this thing way too far.

This is too much. He needs to be stopped.

"I am not messing with you, Seijuro~" He mocked again.

"That's the truth. Don't be a naughty kid and swap with me--"


"So are you saying you are a big, freaky retard? Well, no not really. You're a big, fucking, coward." He glared.

"Honestly, you should change. The team is changing. Know what? For one to grow, you have to accept the changes. And you have to change too." He added.

My breathing is really fast and heavy. My chest and head hurts. I am going out of control.

"I don't need change." I managed to reply.

"You don't need change? Your heart," He pointed at the place where my heart is, "... Is weak... That means you are weak."

My eyes widened at the mention of me being weak again.

"Remember what that Atsushi said?" He said with a mocking smile, "I dunwanna listen to someone weaker than me. Bow." He imitated the way Atsushi spoke.

"Can you let that happen? Your weaker than him, eh?"

No... No one should be stronger than me.

"And because of you... being weaker than Atsushi..." He smiled.

"Even your own girlfriend left you... FOR HIM."

"I know I am being redundant but I want these words to sink in to your heart and mind so you could realize that you are too stupid." He said.

"But you do know that I am right. You know that deep inside, you believe what I am saying." He smirked.

"Seijuro... I am here to help you." He sat infront of me and extended his hand out to me, "I didn't say all those things to just let you be seen as that coward." I stared at his hand... the same hand I have.

"Let's swap forever and I promise you, you'll have absolute power." He smiled. My breathing is starting to slow down.

"Ne~ Seijuro... Do you want power?" He asked with that crimson red eyes of his, piercing through my whole being.

Do I want power?

Do I want to be stronger?

Being stronger means getting back my dignity again, right?

And also...

Being strong means having Narumi back into my arms... right?


This hand infront of me which is stretched out to help me and give me strength...

Should I take it?

Or not?

"Time is running out... Make your decision..." He added.

"Just take my hand and be an absolute Emperor."

♛ The Lonely King ♚ (Kuroko no Basuke FanFic - Akashi Seijuuro)Where stories live. Discover now