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Btw-this is my first story, so if it sucks, I apologize in advance*
   My entire life changed a few weeks after my 11th birthday. My birthday's in late June. I received my hogwarts letter that July. July 14th to be exact. My muggle parents were astonished  by how peculiar and strange yet fascinating this school for witches and wizards was.

   I remember the very first day. Getting on the hogwarts express and changing my life for forever. This is my story; the story of how I found hardship, happiness, friendship, and love.

   The story begins as I hear my mums voice yelling
"MEG, GET UP ! IYOU NEED TO GET ON THE HOGWARTS EXPRESS! GET UP!'" my eyes bolted open. She had yelled at me, so loudly, that I almost feel off my bed. I could hear my mum walking down the hallway muttering something along the lines of, obnoxious and peculiar school. But I only ignored it.
   Truth is, I was always felt different from other kids. And I don't think my mom calling it obnoxious and peculiar helped me feel any better. I could finally be with people like me. I was bullied since I could remember for being different. Those word I can't say. I laugh at the thought.
   I run downstairs as we begin packing my things to get to kings cross.
   My mum and dad left a kiss on my cheeks as they left. I looked at my train ticket. Platform 9 3/4. But that's impossible. I scan the sighs that label the platforms. None said of something like that.
   My eyes drop to a family of gingers. "Hurry, you'll be late! Gotta get to platform 9 3/4. Like always, surrounded by muggles. HURRY!" I run over to them. Platform 9 3/4. Muggles. Maybe they're wizards and witches as well.
   "Excuse me. Could y-you help m-me get onto the platform." I ask in my some what decent manners as possible.
   "What?" I assume who's the mom looks down at me, "Oh, yes sweetie. You just walk through the brick wall between platforms 9 and 10. " she smiled at me.
   "Oh-thank you" I say smiling awkwardly at her. I eye the wall between platform nine and ten. Do I just run into it? I squint my eyes as I run into the wall preparing for the worst and-
   No impact. Without warning, I see a train. The hogwarts express, of course. I feel myself smiling. I don't think I've ever felt any happier.

   I feel butterflies in my stomach as I walk onto the peculiar train, as I look for a compartment. Like always, I didn't want to be that one kid that didn't know where anything was. And that didn't know anyone. You know what they say; if you make a friend on the first day, you'll be okay. I felt my anxiety build up noticing that everywhere else was full.
   I see a set of ginger twins who looked so similar, you'd have to look at their freckles just to see the difference. Truth be told they were really cute. At least that's what my eleven year old thought. Puberty was a weird time.
   "Uh, excuse me, sorry to interrupt," I ask trying not to sound annoying "its just that everwhere else is full" I say in a very awkward tone
"Oh, yeah. No problem. I'm Fred by the way" one twin says.
"Hi, I'm George. The better looking twin" he says smirking.
"What the bloody hell, George, that's my catch phrase." Fred says.
"So what's your name?" they say in sync
"Uh Meg" I've never been good at talking to new people. But for some reason I felt a little comfortable around them. I just felt as if I could trust them; I had trust issues. "Well technically it's Meagan, but I always go by Meg."
"Well, Meg, is it your first year here at hogwarts?" George asks.
"Yeah. I'm actually really nervous about it." I say
"Ours too." the twins say at the same time. It creeped me out a bit. It was like I was living in the Shining.
I sit down on the opposite side as them. I get out my sketch book and start drawing superheroes. I loved superheroes. And drawing. I never really liked those girly things. Makeup and all. I loved video games though. And most of all, reading. Girly things, as if it was gender based. Though, it wasn't.
I feel one twin, I assume is Fred, look over my shoulder at my sketches. "Whoa, those are really cool. George look!" He said in awe.
"COOL!"George says in amazement.
Before I realized that the two of them already seen my sketches, I pull my sketchbook to my chest. "Yeah- I uh guess," I laugh awkwardly.
"Hey Meg you seem real cool, wanna help us prank?" they ask in a serious tone.
   'That's a straightforward question,' I wanted to tell the two of them.
I think about the offer they made. Truth is even if I did get in trouble, I'm just too innocent for anyone to think I did anything.
"On one condition,"I say
"What?" They say once again in sync.
"If we're ever caught, you all take the blame."
They thought about it for a while.
"If you teach us how to draw like that then, OF COURSE!" They say very excitedly.
For a few moments we just laughed then a comfortable silence.
"Hey, ever played wizard chess?" Fred asked me.
   "What's that?"
For a while after that we played wizard chess till it was time to get sorted. All of us got in Gryffindor.
I got bullied a few times that year. They'd always stand up for me.
For the first time ever, I had friends. True friends. Realistic friends.
Oh and did I mention all of us three made the quidditch team.

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