14. Umbridge

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Christmas break. I sit in the burrow living room, next to Lupin. "You know. Don't you?" He asks me.
I nod. "Of course I do. I knew that I couldn't be the only person in my family with magic. Plus-we look really similar, so.... I just don't get why you didn't tell me before."
Remus looks down. "Your mother and father-they didn't really accept me. They thought that you wouldn't be a witch. I knew that deep down, when they found out that when you were a witch, they-they wouldn't care for you. Truthfully Deep down, I really hope that I was completely wrong...
As I wake up that morning my head was pounding. Alli hovers above me, waiting for me to wake up. She did that sometimes. By sometimes- I mean all of the time. "MEG. WAKE UP."
"Oh my God, Alli. Shh!" I yell back to her, rubbing my forehead. I glance at the clock. "Uh, hate to mention it. It's five in the ...ing morning! Just give me around an hour and a half." I pull the covers over my face. "Why are you up, anyways?"
"Couldn't sleep."
I laugh. "That's a first." She lays on top of me. "Get. Off. Of. Me." I say firmly, trying to push her off of the bed.
"Not unless you get up."
"Yeah. That's not happening."
"Fine I'll just stay like this." Alli says; quite pleased with herself.
"please. I'm bored. I want to do something."
"Just go back to bed."
She thinks about it for a while. "Oh, alright."

Waking up, at a reasonable hour this time, I see Alli standing next to me. "What are you doing?"
She turns to me. "I don't know."
I laugh and shake my head. I begin to get ready. I purposely left my hair down today, I wanted Fred and George to braid it again. What? They were actually good at braiding.
I had a few extra minutes, so I decided to walk down to the common room. I sit down down next to Fred and George. Something catches my eye. A sign.
Pocket money failing to keep pace with your outgoing? Like to earn a little extra gold?
Contact Fred and George Weasley, Gryffindor common room,
For simple, part-time, virtually painless jobs.
(We regret that all work is undertaken at applicant's own risk)
I turn to Fred and George who were laughing. I shake my head. "You two...."
After I put on my school uniform I collapse into my bed. "Get up."
I turn around to see Fred, George and Alli standing there. "Why?" I groan.
"Cause, y'know, classes." George says. A lightning bolt of energy rushes through me as I run down to the great hall for breakfast. "What is she doing?" I hear Fred ask George, as I run out of the common room. "No idea." She answers back.
The four of us walk back to the great hall. We sit down and I start eating a piece of toast. "So, how's the Skiving Snackboxes going?" I ask the twins.
"Actually alright. I think all of the fifth years will want one." Fred tell me.
"Why fifth years?"
"Fifth year's O.W.L. Year." That say together.
"What does that have to do with anything?"
"Their exams are coming up." They say-again together.
I think about it. "Good point."
   Alli leans toward the three of us, "what class do you all have next?"
   "History of magic"
George, Fred and I chorus together.
   She looks down. "Aw,that blows. I have defense against the dark arts." Alli says, slightly disappointed.

   The twins and I walk into history of magic. The class was by far, the most boring. The classroom its self was boring.
   What felt like days, finally the class had dismissed. The three of us look at our schedules. "Defense Against The Dark Arts." George, Fred and I say together.
   As we head to D.A.D.A., we discuss our upcoming pranks for this school year. To me, they sounded quite a lot more interesting than last year.
   I get closer to them. I take them by they're ties, and pull them aside behind a door to an empty classroom.
   "Okay, I need to tell you two something." I tell the two of them.
   They glance at each other. "What?" They speak in unison.
   I sigh and close my eyes. "Okay. Remember what you said a while ago, 'bout me being able to tell the future in my dreams?"
   Fred raises his eyebrows. "Yes...." He says, in a tone like it was a question.
   "Last night, I-I dreamt that-I was related to...Remus. Look, I'm not sure why I'm having all of these dreams but-"
   "-Lupin?" Interrupted George.
   "Yep. I know that it's probably impossible that I'm having theses dreams but-IT'S INSANE! I mean what if we were actually related. My mom and I look almost the same as him."
   Fred and George look at each other. "Tonight's a full moon. So what if you are related to him. What if you were,like, a werewolf?" Fred says.
   "THAT WOULD BE SO COOL!" Said George.
   "Shh! I mean, not sure why I would just now be a animagus. I've lived during a full moon, and never have changed...but, what if i was?" I say, smiling. "It's pretty fun to think about."
   "Anyways, let's head to class." George says.

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