15. Dumbledore's army

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The weekend trip to Hogsmeade had arrived. Fred, George and I were heading that way... With Lee.
I turn to the three of them, "so, why do you think Hermione wanted us to meet up with her, Ron and Harry at Hog's head?"
The three of them shrug. About thirty minutes of us walking there, Lee eventually said something. "Not sure, but by the looks of it, most likely has to do with Professor Umbridge."
A chill went down my spine. "Even at the sound of her name, she's scary." Said George.
I laugh. "Georgie, you are not wrong. Not wrong at all."
We opened the door to the pub and a crowd of students were standing there. Including myself, it felt like around there was around thirty of us in there. Fred counts how many of us there were and walks up to the counter. "Uh, hi. Can I have twenty-six butterbeers, please?" The barman froze and sighed.
Fred hands out the butterbeers. "Cheers. Alright, cough up people. Y'know I don't have enough gold for all of these." I laugh as I watched everyone rummage through their pockets for gold. I hand some to Fred. "Thank you, m'lady." He says smiling. I laugh.

After a while of arguing from Hermione and other fifth years.
A girl with long hair from the back of the room interrupted the argument and everyone froze. "Is it true that you can produce a Patronus?"
"Yeah..." Said Harry.
Quite interested in what she was talking about I say, "like, a corporeal Patronus?" Harry nods.
Lee looked impressed, along with George and Fred. "Blimey, Harry. I didn't know you could do that!" I say.
"Mum told Ron to not spread it 'round. Harry, she said that you probably enough attention as it is." Fred speaks up, grinning.
"Well, she's not wrong." Harry mumbles shyly.
"Wait, didn't you kill a basilisk with the sword in Dumbledore's office?" Asked a fifth year.

After that, Harry's achievements were talked about throughout the table. It began to feel as if second after second, everyone was more impressed by Harry. Including myself. Ninety-nine percent of what people said, Harry hadn't even told me.
"Guys look, I actually had a lot of help with that stuff, y'know." Harry said, modestly.
"Not with the dragon."
"Or nobody helped you get rid of those dementors this summer."
"Or a few years ago when you fought off about a 'hundred dementors when you were thirteen!"
"No, okay, I know that I did bits is that without help. The point that I'm trying to make is that-"
"-'you trying to weasel out of showing any of this stuff, or something?" Said some kid, that I didn't even know who he was.
"Well, here's an idea. Why don't you just shut your mouth!" Said Ron, loudly.
"Yeah, seriously." Fred and George chorused together. I could tell that 'weasel' had made them heated.
"Mmmhmmm." I mumble.
"Well, we've turned up to learn from him. He's just telling us he can't do any of it."
Fred sighed. "That's not what he said."
"Would you like is to clean out your ears for you." Said George. I laugh, along with Fred.
"Um...moving on." Said 'Mione. "The point is, are we all agreed that we want to take lessons from Harry?" There was a murmur of agreement throughout the table. "Well then, I guess the next question is how often do we do it. I mean I guess there's not really any point in meeting less than once a week-"
"-'Mione, just make sure that it doesn't interfere with Quidditch practice." I said.
"Hey, or with ours." Said Cho.
"I'm sure that we can find a night that suits everyone. But... You all have to know, this is rather important." Said Hermione impatiently. "We think that the true reason Umbridge doesn't want us trained in Defense Against the Dark Arts, is that some mad idea that Dumbledore could use the students in the school as a kind of secret arm. She thinks he'd mobilize us against the ministry."
Almost everyone looked stunned from the news. Almost everyone-except Luna. "I guess that makes sense. I mean, Cornelius Fudge does have his own army."
"What?" Said Harry.
Luna was beginning to grow very angry. "He's got an army of heliopaths-They're spirits of fire. Great tall flaming creatures that gallop across the ground burning everything in front of-"
"They don't exist." Said Hermione, confidently.
"Yes they do! They are plenty of-"
"-weren't we trying to, y'know, trying to decide how often we're going to meet and get defensive spell lessons?" I say, trying to get Luna and Hermione to stop arguing.
"Well, the other thing is to decide where we're going to be meeting."
"Library?" Hermione shakes her head.
"well, what about an unused classroom?" Said George.
Hermione shakes her head again. "Well, we'll be trying to find somewhere. I guess we'll send a message to everyone when we've got a time and place. I think everybody should write their name down, just so we know who's here. I also think that we ought to agree not to shout about what we're doing. If you sign, you're basically agreeing not to tell Umbridge-or anyone else-what we're up to right now."
Fred, George and I eagerly sign the parchment. To be completely honest, to the guy who was working in there, it probably sounded as if we were doing some sort of a drug deal...with twenty-six people. I look over to Cho, who was still, staring at Harry. I smile. Harry told me about how he had a huge crush on her.
Fred nudged me. "Zonkos?"
"Duh." I say laughing. "On one condition."
"Alright so I'm a pretty lazy person. Buy me a butterbeer?"
"Yeah, sure."
"Thanks, Freddie!" I say, handing him gold.
Through muffled voices I heard him ask the guy, "I know that I just ordered, like thirty butterbeers, but can I have another one?"
I walk up to Harry.
"Oh, hey, Meg!"
"Harry!" I get closer to him. "Cho couldn't keep her eyes off you. Just thought you wanted to know."
Harry then looked as if he just appreciated the look of the village a bit more.
I walk over to Fred and he hands me my butterbeer. "Race 'ya to Zonko's?"
"Oh, you're on!"

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