7. I love you.

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   I wake up to a note taped to my forehead. I take it off and read it; you had a bit too many drinks last night. Long story short, I brought you to your room. There's a trashcan next to you if you throw up. I would recommend you take those pills next to you; put on those sunglasses. If you need me, you know were to find me. You're welcome in advance -M.
My head was pounding. I was having the biggest headache in, what felt like, my entire life. I grab the trash can and immediately throw up. I grab the bottle of water and start chugging it. I take a couple pain killers and slip on some actual pajamas instead of dress robes.
I walk to the common room to see Meagan sketching. She looked tired. Shades of pink and purple lined her eyes. She looked towards me and smiled. "So, how ya feeling?" She asked me.
I think about it for a while. "Like..." I tell her rubbing my temples. "Thank you, by the way, really."
"One; I bet. You really did had some to drink. Two; no problem." She tells me.
   "You look more tired than you usually are, I know you're an insomniac, but seriously, are you okay?" I ask her as she rubbed here eyes with the back of her hand.
   "Yeah, it just, there's a lot on my mind." She sighs. "Fred, I'm so tired. My eyes sting from being open so long. I just want to sleep." She tells me. She looked like she was going to cry. She moves closer to me and I put my arms around her. I play with her hair as she leans into my chest.
   After a while I hear her breaths start to be slower and deeper. "Meagan?" I whispered to her to see if she was still awake. She didn't respond. Meagan had hypnophobia, the fear of sleeping, and Oneirophobia, the fear of dreaming. I knew that in a few minutes she'd bolt awake from nightmares. I stroked her back and pulled her closer.
She didn't wake up that night. She hasn't had a peaceful night in months.
   I wake up with my arms right around Meg. I look up to find George standing next to me. "Moooorning!" He says and I just roll my eyes. I feel Meagan shift around to tell me she was awake. I see her eyes grow big. "Fred!" She yells at me. I mouth ow at her to remind her of my hangover.
"sorry, Freddie. its just that," she smiles "I haven't slept in so long." I feel a smile trace upon my face.
"yeah, guys, classes are going to start in about an hour." George says. He opens up to the door and heads to the great hall. Meagan starts to stand up, but I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her back down to the couch.
"Five more minutes, please?" I ask her. She thinks about it for a while. "oh, alright." she says and I smile. We lay like that for a bit.
"We should start getting ready." I tell her and she nods; she stays in the same spot. Finally we manage to get up. Meagan heads to the girls' dormitories and to the guys'. I put on the sunglasses she had left on my bedside table. I throw up again. How many drinks did I have last night? The last thing I remember was Meg dragging me to the common room.
About thirty minutes later Meagan and I had finished getting ready. "You okay?" I ask her. Her was meddling with her locket, she only did that when there was something on her mind.
"Uh...yeah. Yep. Doing just dandy." She said giving me a smile, it wasn't like her other smiles. Not like the ones she'd give George and I when she'd pull a prank on us. Or the kind she had when she was making music with her violin; or like the smile she had when she finished a drawing.
It was the kind she would have when she would have been studying for hours and just smiled. Or the kind that she had when she was embarrassed and her face was bright red. It was because she had to smile. So people wouldn't ask her if she was okay. She sighs and continues to walk to class.
Potions class was hell. Snape had yelled at the whole class. He was loud when he yelled, causing me to almost cry from the pain of my headache. The entire class Meg had tapped her fingers on the desk, she only did that when there was something bothering her.
The rest of the school day was a blur. She hadn't spoken a word to George or I all day. Alli had told me, that in chorus, Meagan looked down the whole class period and hadn't sing a word. It was unusual. Meagan's music was basically her life. During breaks I hadn't seen her open up her sketchbook once.
Dinner was almost over. Meagan hadn't eaten at all. I got worried about her. She'd given her food to Alli, George, and I. Then she would fumble with her necklace the whole time.
Dinner was ending. Meagan and I walked to the common room in silence. We stop outside the door and I pull her over from everyone else. "I know there's something going on, please, love. Tell me." I tell her as I take her hand in mine.
"Uh, I need to tell you something, but not here." She starts running. I chase after her. I knew where she was going. It was the place that she went to when she was feeling down. The place she went to when she needed to be alone.
We make it to the astronomy tower and Meagan hugs me. "Last night you said, you said that you l-loved me." She looks down. "I couldn't stop thinking about that word coming out of your mouth. Without you...I couldn't sleep last night. Look, the more I think about it the more mad I feel." She pauses for a second.
"Frederick Weasley, I love you. I feel myself going insane. I am in love with you. I've been like this since I was around twelve. I didn't even know what love was back then, but I sure as hell know I felt it. You're the very first thing I think about in the morning and the last thing I think about at night. I love you."
I stare at her. I smash my lips into hers. It wasn't like our other kisses. It was different. "My God, Meagan. I love you." I whisper to her.
We race back down to the common room. Meagan heads up to the girls' dormitory with Alli. George meets me at the guys' dormitory doorway. George comes up next to me and says, "I want an explanation. Tell me everything."

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