4. She loves you...

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"WAIT-" Hermione yells at Meg and I as she raced toward us while we walked to the great hall.
Hermione gives us a huge smile and points to the badge on her robe. "Do you all want to join S.P.E.W, the-"
"Hermione, no one even cares about spew!" Ron says from behind me out of nowhere.
"Wait, Ron, where did you even come from? You frightened me!" Meg says putting her hand over heart.
"Um-Ron, first of all, it's not spew it the-you know what, I'll just go ask Hagrid-he's probably wanting to join!" Hermione says while running out of the Great Hall. Meagan and I walk to our usual spot in the great hall and sit down.
"Well, the goblet is almost ready to make its decision" we hear Dumbledore say. "I estimate that it requires one more minute. Now, when the champions' names are called, I would ask them please to come up to the top of the Hall, walk along the staff table, and go through into the next chamber where they will be receiving their first instructions"
"Um... Any second now..." Meagan whispers to me and I laugh a little too loud as I see Alli look at me, then laugh.
All of a sudden the flames in the goblet turn red while sparks begin flying out of it. A piece of parchment and we hear the whole room gasp.
"The champion from Durmstrang, will be Victor Krum." Dumbledore says reading the piece of parchment.
"No surprises there!" I hear Ron says next to me.
"The champion for Beauxbatons, is Fleur Delacour!"
Finally the third piece of parchment flew out of the Goblet. "The Hogwarts champion" he called "is Cedric Diggory" Dumbledore read.
I hear Meg snort and I laugh. We had always disliked Cedric. He was too perfect. He was just really annoying. He had cheated on Alli back in third year, I think, and she had hated him since. I look over to Alli and I see her shooting death glares at him.
"Excellent! Well we have our three champions. I am sure I can count upon all of you, including the remaining students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, to give your champions on, you will contribute in a very real-" Dumbledore was stopped by the Goblet turning red again as sparks flew out of it. Another piece of parchment flew out of the Goblet. Meagan and I look at each other with curiosity painted on our faces.
"That's impossible..." I whisper to George and Meagan as they then nod.
Dumbledore puts the the piece of parchment in his hands and clears his throat. "Harry Potter."
The four of us gasp. No one clapped. Some students then stand up to get a better look of Harry.
"I didn't put my name in, you know I didn't." I hear Harry whisper to Ron and Hermione. I see George look over to Ron who looked a little mad. Things like he's not even 17 yet and but he's only 14! Were shared through the Great hall as Harry walks through the door.
   "But seriously, what if Harry gets hurt, or what if he humiliates himself. I love Harry, but c'mon Fred, he's only fourteen!" I complain to Fred. I was always there for Harry. In fact we were so close that I was practically his older sister.
   "Love, I think you're overthinking this, you know Harry will be safe. He's Harry bloody Potter!" Fred mentions giving me a smile.
   I smile back and nod. "You're right. I heard last year he fought off like two-hundred dementors. My God he was only 13!"
   We were sitting in the common room. I had my sketchbook in my lap and I doodle dinosaurs, cause why the heck not, am I right?
   "And this is a pterodactyls, this is a Brontosaurs, this is a Stegosaurs, this is a tyrannosaurus!" I say pointing to my sketches.
   "Mudbloods...." Fred says laughing.
   "Oh. My. God. Meg, we are! The kind that talks in first person plural. We this, we that!" He says making fun of those couples. I laugh.
   "Merlin. I, with a strong passion hate those couples."
   "SAME!" I yell.
   Suddenly the door opens and Ron starts kicking everything in his path.
   "Whoa-calm down Ron, what the bloody heck are you doing?" Fred asks him, standing up.
   "Why did Harry get picked, he knows how much I wanted to get that!"
   "Look, I know you're mad, but look Harry's your best friend, and he's fourteen!"
   "True..." Ron says frowning.
   Ron heads up to the boys dormitory. Where was everyone? I look at the clock. 1:00 am. I show Fred and his eyes get big. It was weird. It felt like we had only been in here an hour.
   I sit next to Fred as he puts his arms around my waist and he pulls me close. He rest his chin on the top of my read. I feel a smile painted on my face. I felt butterflies start to build up in my stomach. "So..."
   "So..." Fred says. We just sit there in a comfortable silence. I was so thankful for him. It had been so long since I'd been this happy.
   "On a scale of one to ten, how much do you ship Alli and George?" When we first met, I explained to him what shipping was.
   "Um-ELEVEN!" He says jumping up.
   "SAME!" I yell next to him.
   Then we sit there for a bit. In a long, nice silence.
   Meagan falls asleep laying on my chest. I run my fingers through her wavy hair. I smile to myself. I hum. I bum Meagan's favorite song. She loves you by the Beatles. All of a sudden she hums the next line and I see her smile.
   I smile back.
   I pick her up, bridal style, and carry her up the steps into the girl dormitory and lay her on her bed and pull he blankets over her. I kiss her on her forehead and walk out of the room.
   I make it back to the boy's dormitory and lay down on my bed. I hadn't realized one thing till now. I was in love with Meg. I love Meagan. She was basically my muse. I love Meagan.
     I wake up the next morning to music playing. By that I mean more like someone yelling lyrics as horrible as possible to a song. She loves you by the Beatles. I knew exactly who it was. George.
"She loves you yeah yeah yeah"
And "because she loves you, and you know that can't be bad..." I found myself humming along with George's horrid singing.
   Then everyone that was in our dormitory started singing along. I think of last night, I smile to myself.
   Meagan had shown me the Beatles when we were in our second year. She had come over the the burrow that Christmas break. He parents were fighting a lot and they thought it was perfectly fine that she'd stay over.
   Of course the Beatles were probably one of the best bands, EVER, but muggle music will never be as awesome as Wizard rock. I still have arguments about it with her. I laugh to myself of the thought.
Finally they stopped singing.
   "I don't-wait how-what?" I ask them, unsure of what to say.
   "Two words. Invisibility cloak." Came out of Lee's mouth. I find myself turning a deep shade of red.
   I wake up and smile to myself. I hear muffles of the Beatles' she loves you. I was a bit confused by this, but ignored it. I mean, c'mon I go to a wizard school. Alli walks up to me and starts yelling.
   "FREG! FREG! FREG!" Yells Alli, along with all of the other girls in the dorm.
   "what is that?!" At first I thought that they were just pronouncing his name wrong... Then I realize.
   "YOU AND FRED'S SHIP NAME!" All of them yell. I raise an eyebrow at Alli. She smiles at me and I just roll my eyes.
   It was Sunday. What was I supposed to do on a Sunday. Obviously, I want going to make out with Fred until my lips were sore. Don't get me wrong, I thought about it, but just shook my head. I forgot about the studying I had to do. I currently had a B in charms. How the...do I have a B in charms. I already knew Fred was going to laugh and then help me, just for meanness. So what if I was in love with him, he was still my best friend, and we will always make fun of each other.
   I'd probably go to the library and study, pull a little prank with the twins and that was it. Dang, my life was boring.
   I try to get ready with girls yelling FREG everywhere I went. I mean freg, like c'mon. Lame.
   I make it to the library and get some books on charms. I actually loved the subject itself. The professor though, that's another story. She made me want to poke out my eyeballs. But siriously (see what I did there) her voice was like nails on a chalk board.
   I find a little corner that was apart from everyone else. For the first time in a long time, there was a lot of kids studying.
   "Excuse me?"
   I was startled by a 6th year, ravenclaw, or whom I assumed was a 6th or 7th year. She looked pretty tall.
   "Do you mind if I sit here?" She asked. She had bright, green eyes, pale skin, and short, curly brown hair.
   "Oh, no problem. I'm Meg. If you were wondering" I say smiling. Meeting new people had always made me super nervous. I had bad social anxiety. My muggle parents had tried to get help for it, but that hadn't worked.
   "I'm Tatum!" She responds back. She looked really happy.Also a bit punk rock, it that were possible to come from a ravenclaw.
   "Aren't you the one who helps Fred and George with all of those pranks?" I was a bit disappointed by her question. Everyone had addressed me with Fred and George instead of me being, well just me. They were a lot more popular. They were very attractive, don't get me wrong. A lot of girls were always throwing themselves at them. It was pretty annoying actually.
   "Uh-yeah..." I reply awkwardly. We were just in an awkward silence for a minute.
   "Cool...hey do you, maybe, have a-" she was cut of by the loud sound of footsteps of Fred and George running through the library. When The librarian obviously yelled at them I managed to get out a small laugh.
   They hid behind my chair that I was sitting in. They looked around to make sure anyone was there before they sighed in relief.
   "Meagan, remember how you love us?" They say in unison. I roll my eyes.
   "What the bloody...did you two do this time?"
   "Well...George want to explain this one?" Fred ask George.
   "Meg. We were kind of putting puking pastilles in Mad Eye Moody's-what ever it is-and he caught us...we kind of blamed it on you..."
   I roll my eyes again. "Kind of. What the heck, guys, I thought it was Fred's turn to take the blame." They both  shrug. "Whatever you too are fixing this. And why did you prank without me?"
   "We couldn't find you, like anywhere." Replies George. "Wait-who's that?" He says pointing to Tatum who had there awkwardly during the twins and mine argument.
   "Oh. That's Tatum!" I smile. George glances as the badge on her robes.
   "Oh, hi Tatum. I see you're in Ravenclaw. Smarty pants." Says George. Tatum slightly blushes.
    Fred looks at my textbooks. "Charms. Meagan, I can help, y'know?" I nod. Maybe I did need help, after all he did have a 105% in that class, which I hadn't even thought was possible.
   Tatum and George leave, for some reason. Fred sits down next to me and opens up the book. It felt like old times. We used to study together all of the time. Before we had even thought about liking each other at all.
   We study for hours. The both of us had skipped lunch, and dinner, which I felt a little bad about. Fred had kept on insisting that it was alright. I started helping him with astronomy and potions, which were my favorite classes, even if I despised Snape. The astronomy professor was actually really awesome.
   Fred had to keep himself from dozing off; every five minutes. I could occasionally sneak a minute or two of sleep while Fred would look for another  book.
   "Alright, I think that's enough studying, Meagan." I nod.
We get up after I put up all the books we had taken down. It was already 9:00. It was insane. What had George, Tatum, and Alli done all day?
   We reach the common room. Fred and I, in sync, crash onto the sofa. We were too tired to even walk up the steps. We just cuddle for a little bit.
   Eventually all of the students who were in the common room made their way up to the dormitories. None of them daring to wake up Fred or I.
   Instead of a few minutes we stay there the whole night. I had fallen asleep on him. He had his arms around my waist. I start smiling uncontrollably in the morning. I remember that Alli was going to give my hell in the morning for not spending today with her. I forgot about tomorrow, and just focused on today. I know how cliche that sounds, but I don't care. Fred would play with my long hair, I don't know why, my hair was always tangly.
   We just sit like that for a while.
      Fred and I strangely wake up at the same time. We both open our eyes to a crowd of Gryffindors. Everyone that was in Gryffindor stood above us, all their eyes wide. I get startled and fall off of the sofa; Fred falls with me. (C'mon you'd do the same if you woke up to a group of people just staring at you.)
   "MEAGAN!" Alli says shocked. She always thought I was too much of a goody-goody. "I am SO proud of you!" She says as she runs up to hug me. Did she think Fred and I, you know?
   "Wait-what time is it?" I ask, mostly to Alli.
   "Have you had too much ButterBeer? It's two in the afternoon! You missed Potions, DADA, and lunch."
   "WHAT!-" I yell. How can I be late on my first week of classes.
   "Oi! I'm only kidding, Jesus!" Said Alli, lifting her hands like she was surrendering. I put my hand over my heart. I just had a mini-heart attack. At this point I'm already running up the steps. I glance at the clock. 6:35. I sigh in relief. I didn't have to be in the great hall till 7:30. From the girls dormitory I could hear them singing she loves you and yelling "FREG!" I just roll my eyes.
   I finally finish getting ready and head to the common room. There was honestly nothing to do for forty five minutes. All the Gryffindors sit there in an awkward silence till George says, " she love you-eh? Is that like you guys' song?"
   Fred and I look at each other and both nod." Oh-this is boring!" Interrupted Lee. All the Gryffindors nod dramatically.
   All of a sudden Alli grabs my arm and pulls me up the stairs. Hermione and Angelina follow behind Alli and I.
   "Tell us EVERYTHING!" They three of them yell together.
   "Hold on!" I see something under the door frame. An extendable ear. I grab it and yell. "George, c'mon, I helped create this. Is that all you got!" After I yell I hear laughter coming from the common room.
   I tell Alli, Hermione, and Angelina everything from the day before. 'Awe's' were shared as I tell the story.
   "So you two, didn't...you know?" Alli asks actually being serious.
   "God-Alli-No! Merlin, I'm only sixteen!"

   Finally the clock turned 7:15 and all the Gryffindors head to the Great hall. Fred and George come sit on either side of me on the bench. I remember the prank they pulled on Mad Eye, and how they had blamed it on me. In about thirty minutes I was going to walk into the class and Moody was going to give me Hell. The called him Moody for a reason you know.
   I put my arms around them to pull them closer to me. "Remember how I was blamed for y'alls prank. Yeah, I'm going to kill you two unless you fix that. Just giving you a heads up." I say in a cold tone to scare them a bit. Fred and George look at each other with a scared look on their faces. I slightly grin to myself.
   "Yes, ma'am" they say together. I nod and smile at them.
   "Good." And we all laugh. I could still see nervous looks on the faces, which made me smile. Wow, I'm a bad person.
I sit down in an empty seat in the classroom. Fred and George were no where to be found, which confused my a bit. Even if they did play a bunch of pranks, they still were never late to class. Suddenly Mad Eye, Fred, and George all run out of Mad Eye's classroom. Mad Eye just smiled at me.
Fred and George had their heads down and they sit down on either side of me.
"Thank you." I say. So softly they could hardly hear and they were sitting right next to me.
Class began and Moody told us to put up all of our books. The three of us sigh. I loved to read, fiction that is. Nonfiction, I kind of hate that.
Suddenly Mad Eye brings up curses. Illegal curses. I had only once heard of them. From Lupin.
"Miss Carmack, do you know which curses are mostly heavily punished by wizardly law?" I get startled. I hated when teachers called me out. I hated speaking In front of the class.
"Er-I think that-isn't there one called the Imperius Curse, or something?" I say with my head down, avoiding to see if anyone was looking at me.
He grabs a jar off his desk. He pulled out a spider from the jar. I let out a small gasp. My fear of spiders, or any bug for that matter, it was like Ron's, except ten times worse.
The spider was doing tricks and everyone started laughing.
"You, think this is funny? What if I did the same to you?" Said Moody. After that everyone stopped laughing.
Mad Eye tells us the story of it. He kind of scared me a bit, truthfully.
"Anyone else know another illegal curse?"
"The Cruciatus Curse." Alli says confidently. Mad eye nods.
"Crucio!" The spiders started twitching horribly. I closed my eyes shut. Even if I did have a huge fear of spiders, I was an actual human being.
"Stop it." Tatum says quietly. Everyone turn their head to the back of the room to look at Tatum. Mad Eye had finally stopped torturing the poor spider.
"Know any others?" Mad Eye said looking at Tatum.
With tear stinging eyes Tatum finally whispered "Avada Kedavra."
He nods. "The killing curse. Moody turns toward the spider and says, "Avada Kedavra." A flash of green light appears and the spider falls down. Most kids look down, not wanting to see the spiders death.
"Now...those three curses are the unforgivable curses. The use of any one of them of a fellow human being is enough to earn a life sentence in Azkaban. That's what you all are up against. I will need to teach you all how to fight."
Later we start copying notes and class was finally dismissed.
We head back to the common room. All the Gryffindors sit there in silence. Some people got bored. Others just decided to go to class. I was one of those people. Alli and I head to potions.

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