Chapter 22

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   "The Burrow!" I yelled as I through down the floo powder onto the fireplace. Cringing as the ash-like material crept underneath of my fingernails.

   "Molly, where is everyone?"
   I stepped out of their fireplace and examined the house. Unlike usual, only Ginny and Molly were standing on there. The norm of a packed house was currently absent.
   "Do you know what happened to Fred and George? They told me to come here right after George and him left."
   "Did they not tell you?" Asked Mrs. Weasley.
   "Fred told me that they were going to Harry's, or something." 
   "They're rescuing Harry." Ginny finally said, smiling.
   "How?" I ask them through chattering teeth. I was freezing.
   "I think dad said by polyjuice potion, but I'm not sure."
   And the same time she said that, Molly also said, "oh dear, you're freezing. Here, I'll make you a cup of tea."
   "Thank you."
   I take off my scarf and jacket. I sit on their sofa as Molly hands me a cup of tea. I take a sip, instantly I feel warm. "When are they getting back?"
   Right after I say that, the door slams open and Harry and Hagrid walk inside. I go up to hug him until Molly says, "Harry? You are the real Harry? What happened? Where are the others?"
   "What are you talking about? Everyone is back, aren't they?" Harry said panting.
   "No." I said like it was the most obvious thing.
  "The moment we took off we were completely surrounded. Voldemort caught up to us and," Harry stopped in the middle of his sentence.
   I zone out from reality right there. The word Voldemort made me feel cold, no matter how hot my tea was.
   It was Ginny's voice that had snapped me back to the real world. I jumped up from my seat to look out the window. I could make out George and Lupin. You'd think that made me feel better. Only, Lupin was supporting George. And George was unconscious and blood was streaming down his face. I gasp and run towards him.
   They laid George on the sofa. I run to the kitchen to grab a wet towel. I start dabbing it own his face to wipe some of the dark, scarlet blood off. It was then that I realized that his left ear was missing. "Oh my God,"
   Lupin grabs Harry by his upper arm and shoves him against the wall, "What creature sat in the corner the first time Harry Potter visited my office at Hogwarts?" Harry stared at Lupin blankly for a few seconds, "Answer me!"
   "Uh, a grindylow. It- it was inside a tank."
   Remus relaxed, "I'm sorry, I had to check, Harry. We were betrayed. I just assumed that you were an imposter."
   I shook my hand to ignore the rest of  their conversation, and to just focus on helping George. Sweat and blood was running down his neck. I was about to run to a trash can to throw up, but I knew I had to try to stop myself.
   Watching him all pale and speechless made me feel dizzy. I couldn't even begin to imagine the pain he was in. Naturally, my mind went to the worst possible solution. I only shook my head that it wasn't possible.
   But it was.
   "Will George be okay?" I say quietly.
   "I think so, only there's no chance of him getting his ear back. After all, it has been cursed off."
   There were two more people standing outside. It was Kingsley and Hermione. I smiled, knowing that they were okay is enough for me.
   Kingsley raised his wand and pointed it at Lupin's chest, "The last words Albus Dumbledore spoke to the pair of us."
   "Harry is the best hope we have. Trust him,"
   Those were the only words that I could make out until I ran outside, "who else is back?" Kingsley directly asked to me.
   "Only Harry, Hagrid and George."
   "Where's George?" Said Hermione.
   "He lost an ear," Lupin responded.
   "He lost an -"
   "It was Snape's work."
   "Snape did it?" I yell in a high voice.
   I run back into the house to check on George, "how's he doing?"
   Mrs. Weasley looked up at me and frowned, "I can't make it grow back. It was removed by Dark Magic. He's alive."
   I sigh in relief and smile. When I looked out the window again, Fred and Arthur arrived. I run as fast as I could to Fred. I grabbed his arm and started running with him, "Ouch! Hey where's George?" I shake my head and lead him to George.
   Fred and I sat at the foot of the sofa, "how are you feeling, Georgie?
   "What's he talking about? Is his mind affected or something?" Cried Fred.
   "Saintlike," George repeated. He looked up at the two of us, "you see, I'm holy. Holey. Guys, get it."
   Mrs. Weasley sobbed behind me.
   "Wow, George. That was the greatest joke of all time." I say sarcastically.
   "That's pathetic." Fred told to George. "Pathetic! With the whole wide world of ear-related humor before you, you go for I'm holey?"
   Fred was helping me wrap George's head in bandages.
   George looked up at Molly, "You'll be able to tell us apart now, Mum. Why aren't Ron and Bill around this sickbed of mine?"
   "They aren't back yet, George." George's usual nod faded.
   "Ron and Tonks should be back by now." I whispered to George beside me.
   Hermione looked back out the window, "it's them!"
   Later that night, George, Fred, and I hadn't bothered to go back home. We slept in their old room. It felt so weird to have been in there. It had been years. Yet everything was how I remembered it from the summers and Christmas Eve's I spent there.
   The three of us lay in a single bed together in the dark. Fred was softly snoring next to me, while George was still completely awake. He was trying to find a comfortable position with his ear. He didn't want to awkwardly face and look at me all night, but he didn't want to sleep with his ear hurting. "Did it hurt?"
   "Did what hurt?"
   "You know what I'm talking about, George."
   "I don't remember if it did, or didn't. I only remember waking up with only one ear."
   "Is it harder to hear?" I knew I was asking him really dumb questions, but it's not like I actually knew the answer.
   "I can't really tell,"
   "Did you hear the news?" George asked me smiling. I could somehow tell he was smiling, even though I couldn't really see him.
   "You're pregnant? No I'm joking. What news?"
   "Bill and Fleur are getting married."

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